Valokuva Lotta Hautamäki

Tutkimustuotoksia vuodessa

Henkilökohtainen profiili

Tutkimuksen ja opetuksen kuvaus

Lotta Hautamäki has an extensive experience in academic and practice-based research. Her work aims to cultivate empirical philosophy by using a wide range of qualitative methods in understanding biosciences in relation to human health and illness in different contexts. What is good care and what kind of knowledge base is used to define it? She is currently working with this question in the Academy of Finland Strategic Research Council project Silent agents affected by legislation: from an insufficient knowledge base to inclusive solutions (SILE). Her other interests are environmental humanities and the interaction between human and more-than-human actors in times of ecosocial crises particularly in the context of health care.

You can find a full and up to date list of Lotta Hautamäki's publications within different organisations in her ORCID ID 0000-0002-8344-1439 


Valtiotieteiden tohtori


  • 5141 Sosiologia
  • Tieteen- ja teknologiantutkimus
  • Sosiologia
  • Yhteiskuntatieteellinen eläintutkimus
  • Empiirinen filosofia
  • Monilajisuuden tutkimus
  • Lääketieteen antropologia