Tutkimustuotoksia vuodessa
Tutkimustuotoksia vuodessa
PL 59 (Unioninkatu 38)
Tutkimustuotoksia vuodessa
Curriculum vitae
ORCID 0000-0003-1211-7647
Date and place of birth: 19th of January 1963, Helsinki, Finland
Home address: Pohjolankatu 60, 00600 Helsinki, Finland
Work address:
Folklore Studies
Department of Cultures
P.O. Box 59 (Unioninkatu 38)
FI–00014 University of Helsinki
Telephone (office): +358–50–3102727
Languages: Finnish (native), English (excellent), Swedish (good), French (preliminary)
More information:
1 Degrees
- Doctor of Philosophy (laudatur), University of Helsinki, Department of folklore studies 20.12.2005
- Licenciate of Philosophy (magna cum laude approbatur), University of Helsinki, Department of folklore studies 1.2.1994
- Candidate of Philosophy (eximia cum laude approbatur), University of Helsinki, Department of folklore studies 2.5.1989
- Matriculation examination (laudatur), Yhtenäiskoulun lukio, Helsinki, Finland 30.5.1989
2 Academic Posts
- Professor of Folklore Studies, Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies, University of Helsinki 1.8.2009–
- Docent / Adjunct Professor of Folklore Studies, Institute for Cultural Research, Department of Folklore Studies, University of Helsinki 29.5.2007–
- Deputy Professor, Institute for Cultural Research, Department of Folklore Studies, University of Helsinki, 20.3.2007–31.5.2007
- Post-Doctoral Assistant, Institute for Cultural Research, Department of Folklore Studies, University of Helsinki 1.8.2006–19.3.2007, 1.6.2007–31.7.2009
- Assistant teacher, Institute for Cultural Research, Department of Folklore Studies, University of Helsinki 1.10.1999–31.7.2004
- Assistant teacher, Department of Cultural Studies, Folklore Studies, University of Turku 1.8.1991–31.12.1995, 1.1.1996–31.7.1996
3 Research projects
- Omistajuus, kieli ja kulttuuriperintö – Kansanrunousideologiat Suomen, Karjalan tasavallan ja Viron alueilla [Ownerhsip, language, and cultural heritage – Folklore ideologies in Finland, Republic of Karelia, and Estonia]. Kone Foundation / University of Helsinki. 2017–2019. Project member (PI Eila Stepanova).
- Oral Poetry, Mythic Knowledge, and Vernacular Imagination. Interfaces of Individual Expression and Collective Traditions in Pre-modern Northeast Europe, Academy of Finland / University of Helsinki. 2012–2016. PI.
- Cultural Meanings and Vernacular Genres, University of Helsinki 2013–2016). PI.
- The Kalevala and Oral Epics Project, University of Turku 1992–1995. Research assistant (PI Lauri Honko).
4 Positions in University Administration, University of Helsinki
- Leader, Master’s Programme in Cultural Heritage 2016, 1.1.2018–
- Member of the executive group: Doctoral programme in History and Cultural Heritage 2014–
- Chair, Docent committee, Faculty of Arts 2017–
- Member, Docent committee, Faculty of Arts 2013–
- Member, Department Council, Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies 2011–
- Deputy member, Department Council, Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies 2010
- Member, Managerial Body, Institute for Cultural Research 2007–2009
- Member, Team for the Development of Teaching, Institute for Cultural Research 2007–2009
- Member, The Faculty of Arts board of admissions 2003–2004
5 Other related Studies and Research Activity
- Elementary course in Archive Management (National Archives of Finland) 2002
- Postgraduate studies at Cambridge University (Darwin College, Scott Polar Research Institute, Department of Social Anthropology) 1990–1992
6 Other RELEVANT work Experience
- Researcher and research assistant, Folklore archives, Finnish Literature Society (several
terms) 1987, 1988, 1989, 1998 and 1999
- Research assistant, “International information system in Uralistics”, Academy of Finland project, 26.6.1989–30.9.1989
7 Leaves of Absence
- Maternity leaves 1996, 1998
8 scientific board Memberships
- Estonian Literary Museum, international advisory committee 2017–
- Finnish Literature Society, Board of Directors, 2009–
- Finnish Literature Society, Publications Committee 2009, 2011–
- Finnish Literature Society, Research Committee 2010–2016
- Finnish Literature Society, Council of the Finnish Literature Society 2007–2009
- Finnish Literature Society, President of the Publications Committee 2010
- Finnish Literature Society, Vice chair of the Financial committee 2010
- Finnish Literature Society, Vice-chairman of the Folklore Committee 2007
- Folklore Fellows, Executive committee 2012–
- Folklore Fellows, Organizing committee of the Folklore Fellows' Summer School: Doing Folkloristics in the Digital Age 2015
- Folklore Fellows, Organizing committee of the Folklore Fellows' Summer School: After the New Folkloristics 2010
- Folklore Fellows, Course secretary at the Folklore Fellows’ Summer School: Tradition and Renewal in the Folklore Process 1993
- The Commission of Finnish Labor Tradition 2002–
- Kalevala Society, Executive committee 2002–2004
- Kalevala Society, working member 2000–
- Executive board of the Graduate School of Cultural Interpretations, Academy of
- Finland 2009–2011
- Jury for the Finlandia Price for Nonfiction Literature (The Finnish Book
- Foundation) 2007
- Academy of Finland, evaluation group for cultural research 2011
Editorial board memberships:
- Folklore Fellows’ Communications 2016–
- Studia Fennica 2010– (chair 2017–)
- Studia Fennica Folkloristica (chief editor) 2010–
- Journal Tieteessä tapahtuu 2007–2010
9 Honors and prizes
- Member of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters 2012–
- Kalevala-Award of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters 2007
- The Kalevala Society Award for Young Scholars 1990
- The Master’s Thesis Award, Faculty of Humanities, University of Helsinki 1990
10 Publications
A) Peer-reviewed scientific articles
A1: Peer-reviewed journal articles
2018. The Kalevala’s Languages: Receptions, Myths, and Ideologies. Co-authored with Heidi Haapoja-Mäkelä & Eila Stepanova. In Journal of Finnish Studies 2, theme issue: Leading to Finland’s Independence: The Time of Grand Duchy of Finland, 1809−1917. In press: publication date October 2018, 15–45.
2017. An Introduction to Parallelism in Verbal Art and Performance. Co-authored article with Frog. In Oral Tradition 31/2, 203–232. http://journal.oraltradition.org/issues/31ii/frog-tarkka.
2017. “Word upon a word”: Parallelism, meaning, and emergent structure in Kalevala-meter poetry. In Oral Tradition 31/2, 259–292. http://journal.oraltradition.org/issues/31ii/tarkka.
2017. The Field of Song and the Four-Legged Horse: On the Dialogue of Genres in Kalevala-Meter Poetry. In Classics@ 14: Singers and Tales in the 21st Century; The Legacies of Milman Parry and Albert Lord. Ed. by David Elmer & Peter McMurray. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Center for Hellenic Studies, Harvard University. E-pub ahead of print – 2017: https://chs.harvard.edu/CHS/article/display/6617
2015. Picturing the otherworld: Imagination in the study of oral poetry. In RMN Newsletter 10/2015, 17–33. http://www.helsinki.fi/folkloristiikka/English/RMN/RMN_10_Summer_2015.pdf
2009. The Displaced Bard. In Journal of Finnish Studies 13/2, 17–27.
1996. Transformations of Epic Time and Space: Creating the World's Creation in
Kalevala-metric Poetry. In Oral Tradition 11/1, 50–84.
1987. Tutkimuksia ”puiden varjojen muistoista”. Martti Haavion Kuolematonten lehtojen
metodin arviointia [‘Studying ”the Memories of Shades” – Remarks on the Methodology
of Martti Haavio’s Kuolematonten Lehdot’]. In Suomen Antropologi 2/1987, 60–72.
A2: Book sections / chapters in peer-reviewed volumes
2016. The Poetics of Quotation: Proverbial Speech, Entextualization and the Emergence of Oral Poems. In Kaarina Koski, Frog & Ulla Savolainen (eds.), Genre – Text – Interpretation: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Folklore and Beyond. Studia Fennica Folkloristica 22. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society. Pp. 175–199. https://doi.org/10.21435/sff.22
2014. Luonto, tuonpuoleinen ja resurssien rajat: Esimodernin ympäristösuhteen kysymyksiä Vienan Karjalassa [Nature, the supernatural and limited resources: Premodern environmental issues in Viena Karelia]. In Seppo Knuuttila & Ulla Piela (eds.), Ympäristömytologia [Environmental mythology]. Kalevalaseuran vuosikirja 93. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society. Pp. 34–58.
2013. The Sampo: Myth and Vernacular Imagination. InFrog, Anna-Leena Siikala & Eila Stepanova (eds.), Mythic Discourses: Studies in Uralic Traditions. Studia Fennica Folkloristica 20. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society. Pp. 143–170.
2010. Lajisiirtymiä kalevalamittaisessa runossa: Kuivajärven Moarien tapaus [Genres
of Kalevala-Meter Poetry in Transition: The Case of Moarie of Kuivajärvi]. In
Seppo Knuuttila, Ulla Piela & Lotte Tarkka (eds.), Kalevalamittaisen runon
tulkintoja [Interpretations on Kalevala-Meter Poetry]. Kalevalaseuran vuosikirja
89. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society. Pp. 13–34.
2004. Viisaampansa vieressä maannut. Genrejen välinen vuorovaikutus kalevalamittaisessa
runossa [The One who Slept with the Wiser One – The Dialogue of Genres in Kalevala-meter poetry]. In Anna-Leena Siikala, Lauri Harvilahti & Senni Timonen (eds.),
Kalevala ja laulettu runo. [The Kalevala and Sung Poetry]. Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden
Seuran Toimituksia 958. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society. Pp. 215–269.
2003. 彼岸の人々、此岸の風景、そして性(ヴィエナンカルヤラ民族詩歌における境界)、ロッテ・タルッカ. In Aili Nenola & Senni Timonen (eds.), translation into Japanese by Yumi Mei,
Rohi no kotoba: finrando josei no shikaku kara mita minzokugaku II. Tokio: Bunrikaku.
Original: Louhen sanat: kirjoituksia kansanperinteen naisista [Louhi’s Words. Essays on
Women in Folk Tradition].
2002. Raja rauhatta elääpi. Martiska Karjalaisen mierontie [The Border Lives without
Peace – The Life and Crimes of Martiska Karjalainen]. In Pekka Laaksonen & Ulla Piela
(eds.), Lönnrotin hengessä 2002. Kalevalaseuran vuosikirja 81. Helsinki: Finnish
Literature Society. Pp. 256–303.
1999. Smötkyn Riiko. Mikrohistoriallinen kertomus vienalaistietäjän elämästä ja runoudesta
[Smötky-Riiko – A Microhistorical Stydy on the Life and Works of an Archangel
Sage]. In Pekka Laaksonen & Sirkka-Liisa Mettomäki (eds.), Tuulen jäljillä.
Kirjoituksia kansanperinteestä ja kulttuurihistoriasta [Tracking the Wind. Essays on
Folklore and Cultural History]. Kalevalaseuran vuosikirja 77–78. Helsinki: Finnish
Literature Society. Pp. 41–94.
1998. Natalist’ on nakru tehty. Nauru ja lempi vienankarjalaisessa mieronvirressä [This
Laugh Is Made out of Natali – Laughter and Love in Archangel Karelian Topical
Poetry]. In Jyrki Pöysä & Anna-Leena Siikala (eds.), Amor, genus & familia.
Kirjoituksia kansanperinteestä [Amor, Genus & Familia. Essays on Folk Tradition].
Tietolipas 158. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society. Pp. 17–55.
1998. Sulhasen synty. Sanan voima vienankarjalaisessa mieronvirressä [The Birth of the
Groom. The Power of the Word in Archangel Karelian Topical Poetry]. In Lea Laitinen
& Lea Rojola (eds.), Sanan voima. Keskusteluja performatiivisuudesta [The Power of
the Word. Discussions on Performativity]. Tietolipas 160. Helsinki: Finnish Literature
Society. Pp.137–183.
1998. Sense of the Forest: Nature and Gender in Karelian Oral Poetry. In Satu Apo,
Aili Nenola & Laura Stark-Arola (eds.), Gender and Folklore. Perspectives on
Finnish and Karelian Culture. Studia Fennica Folkloristica 4. Helsinki: Finnish
Literature Society. Pp. 92–142.
1994. Metsolan merkki. Metsän olento ja kuva vienalaisrunostossa [The Sign of the Forest –
The Spirit and Image of Forest in Archangel Oral Poetry]. In Pekka Laaksonen &
Sirkka-Liisa Mettomäki (eds.), Metsä ja metsänviljaa [The Forest and the Catch of the
Forest]. Kalevalaseuran vuosikirja 73. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society. Pp. 56–102.
1994. Other Worlds. Symbolism, dialogue and gender in Karelian oral poetry. In
Anna-Leena Siikala & Sinikka Vakimo (eds.), Songs beyond the Kalevala.Studia
Fennica Folkloristica 2. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society. Pp. 250–298.
1993. Intertextuality, Rhetorics and the Interpretation of Oral Poetry: The Case of
Archived Orality. In Pertti Anttonen & Reimund Kvideland (eds.), Nordic
Frontiers: Recent Issues in the Study of Modern Traditional Culture in the Nordic
Countries. NIF Publications No. 27. Turku: Nordic Institute of Folklore. Pp.165–
1989. Karjalan kuvaus kansallisena retoriikkana. Ajatuksia karelianismin etnografisesta
asetelmasta [The Description of Karelia as National Rhetoric – Ethnographic
Representation in Karelianism]. In Seppo Knuuttila & Pekka Laaksonen (eds.), Runon ja
rajan tiellä [On the Road of Poem and the Border]. Kalevalaseuran vuosikirja 68.
Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society. Pp. 243–257.
B) Non-refereed scientific articles
B1: Non-refereed articles in journals
2015. Saatteeksi: Mytologia ja runous [Introduction: Mythology and poetry]. Co-authored article with Frog, Karina Lukin & Eila Stepanova. In Elore 1/2015 (Vol. 22). http://www.elore.fi/elore-12015-vol-22-mytologia-ja-runous/saatteeksi-mytologia-ja-runous/
2015. Mielikuvitus, kansanruno ja tuonpuoleisesta puhuminen [Imagination, folk poetry, and describing the Otherworld]. In Elore 1/2015 (Vol. 22). http://www.elore.fi/elore-12015-vol-22-mytologia-ja-runous/1_15_tarkka/
2012. Oral Poetry, Mythic Knowledge, and Vernacular Imagination: Interfaces of Individual Expression and Collective Traditions in Pre-modern Northeast Europe (project announcement). Co-authored article with Frog, Karina Lukin & Eila Stepanova. In RMN Newsletter 5/2012, 82–85.
2011. The Deck of Cards and the Language of Tradition. In Folklore Fellows’ Network
40/2011, 4–9.
1998. Interpretation at a Distance [Book review on ‘Finnish Folk Poetry and the Kalevala’ by
Tom DuBois]. In Folklore Fellows’ Network 15/1998, 22–28.
2005. Rajarahvaan laulu. Lectio praecursoria Helsingin yliopistossa 11.11.2005 [The Song of
the Border People – Lectio precursoria at the University of Helsinki]. In Elore 2/2005.
6 pages. http://www.elore.fi/arkisto/2_05/tar2_05.pdf
1994. Rahvaanomaisen tieteet ja korkiaoppisen kielen kotimaa [The Science of the
Vernacular and the Home of Scholarly Language]. In Tiede & Edistys 1/1994, 57–
1988. Sitoutunut humanisti pirstoutuneessa yhteisössä [The Committed Humanist in a
Shattered Community – Henry Glassie in Finland]. In Suomen antropologi 1/1988, 32–34.
1988. Sienessä eli kansanrunouden mykologinen tulkinta [Going for the Mushroom. A
Mycological Interpretation on Folk Poetry. Book review on ‘Rgveda as the Key to
Folklore’ by Carsten Bregenhøj]. In Suomen Antropologi 1/1988, 48–51.
B2: Non-refereed book sections / articles in non-refereed volumes
2014. The sampo: myth and vernacular imagination / Il sampo, il mito e l'immaginario popolare. In Vesa Matteo Piludu & Frog (eds.), Kalevala: Epica, magia, arte e musica / Epic, magic, art and music. Viterbo: Vocifuoriscena. Pp. 29–69 & 345–388.
2013. Sanan polvia: Lainaamisen poetiikka kalevalamittaisessa runossa [Bends of Words: The Poetics of Quotation in Kalevala-meter poetry]. In Tuomas Hovi, Kirsi Hänninen, Merja Leppälahti & Maria Vasenkari (eds.), Viisas matkassa, vara laukussa : Näkökulmia kansanperinteen tutkimukseen [Perspectives on the study of folklore]. Folkloristiikan julkaisuja 3. Turku: Turun yliopisto. Pp. 97–129
2010. Nykynäkökulmia kalevalamittaisen runon tutkimukseen [New Perspectives in the Study of
Kalevala-Meter Poetry]. In Seppo Knuuttila, Ulla Piela & Lotte Tarkka (eds.),
Kalevalamittaisen runon tulkintoja [Interpretations on Kalevala-Meter Poetry].
Kalevalaseuran vuosikirja 89. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society. Pp. 7–10.
2006. Ennein ukot laulettih, akat iänellä itettih. Vuokkiniemen kalevalamittaisen kansanrunon
kulta-aika [In the Olden Times Men Sang, Women Lamented – The Golden Era of
Kalevala-Meter Poetry in Vuokkiniemi]. In Kai Paajaste (ed.), Tupenkolahuttajien
mailla. Vuokkiniemi esihistoriasta toiseen maailmansotaan [‘On the lands of the Sheat-
Rattlers. The Parish of Vuokkiniemi from Prehistory to WW II’]. Mustasaari:
Vuokkiniemi-seura RY. Pp. 182–212.
1994. Taivaan takoja [The Forger of the Sky]. In Satu Grünthal & Kirsti Mäkinen (eds.),
Mistä ääni meissä tulee? Runoja ja tulkintoja [Where Does our Voice Come from?
Poems and Interpretations]. Porvoo: Werner Söderström. Pp. 183–193.
1990. Suomalaista mytologiaa lukiessa [On Reading Finnish Mythology]. In Kimmo Sarje
& Päivi Talasmaa (eds.), Mytologia Suomessa [Mythology in Finland]. Helsinki:
Helsingin Juhlaviikot. Pp. 28–37.
1989. Tuonpuoleiset, tämänilmanen ja sukupuoli. Raja vienankarjalaisessa
kansanrunoudessa [The Otherworlds, this World and Gender – Border lines in
Archangel Oral Poetry]. In Aili Nenola & Senni Timonen (eds.), Louhen Sanat.
Kirjoituksia kansanperinteen naisista. [Louhi’s Words. Essays on Women in Folk
Tradition]. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society. Pp. 238–259.
C) Scientific books
C1: Monographs
2013. Songs of the Border People. Genre, Reflexivity, and Performance in
Karelian Oral Poetry. Folklore Fellows’ Communications 305. Helsinki: Finnish
Academy of Science and Letters. 550 p.
2005. Rajarahvaan laulu. Tutkimus Vuokkiniemen kalevalamittaisesta runokulttuurista
1821–1921. [The Song of the Border People. The Kalevala-Meter Rune-Singing
Culture in Vuokkiniemi 1821–1921]. Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran
Toimituksia 1033. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society. 534 p.
C2: Edited books, conference proceedings or special issues of a journal
2017. Parallelism in Verbal Art and Performance: special issue of the journal Oral Tradition 31/2. Co-editorship with Frog. http://journal.oraltradition.org/issues/list?id=65#65
2015. Mytologia ja runous [Mythology and poetry]; special issue of the journal Elore 1/2015 (Vol. 22). Co-editorship with Frog, Karina Lukin & Eila Stepanova. http://www.elore.fi/elore-12015-vol-22-mytologia-ja-runous/
2010. Kalevalamittaisen runon tulkintoja. [Interpretations on Kalevala-Meter Poetry].
Kalevalaseuran vuosikirja 89. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society. Co-editorship with Seppo Knuuttila & Ulla Piela.
2003. Dynamics of Tradition. Perspectives on Oral Poetry and Folk Belief. Studia Fennica
Folkloristica 13. Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society.
1996. Uskontotiede – Folkloristiikka. [Science of Religion – Folklore Studies]. Etiäinen 3.
University of Turku: Institute for Cultural Research. Co-editorship with Tuija
E) Publications intended for the general public
2018. #Aino. Väärinkäsitys kolmessa näytöksessä [‘#Aino. A misunderstanding in three acts’]. Co-authored blog with Niina Hämäläinen. http://neba.finlit.fi/blogi/aino-vaarinkasitys-kolmessa-naytoksessa/
2015. Runon vieras kieli ja eepoksen kotiinpaluu [‘The foreign language of poetry and the homecoming of a national epic’]. In Karjalan heimo 11–12/2015, 186–188.
2009. Kalevalan perintö on kaikkialla [‘The Heritage of Kalevala is Everywhere’. Book
review on ”Kalevalan kulttuurihistoria” (‘The Cultural History of the Kalevala’), ed. by
Ulla Piela, Seppo Knuuttila & Pekka Laaksonen]. In Helsingin sanomat 15.2.2009 C2.
2006. Metsolan monet kasvot [‘The Many Face of Forestland’]. In Riina Jalonen, Ilkka
Hanski, Timo Kuuluvainen, Eero Nikinmaa, Paavo Pelkonen, Pasi Puttonen, Kaisa
Raitio & Olli Tahvonen (eds.), Uusi metsäkirja [‘The New Book of Forest’]. Helsinki:
Gaudeamus. Pp. 229–230.
1999. Riiko Kallio – Smötkyn Riiko oli Vienan ”viimeinen mieslaulaja” [‘Riiko Kallio –
Smötky-Riiko Was ”the Last Male Singer” in Archangel Karelia’]. In Karjalan heimo 1–
2 1999. Pp. 15–18.
1995a. Arhippa Perttunen 1762–1841. In Allan Tiitta, Päiviö Tommila, Anto Leikola, Jorma Kaimio & Riitta-Liisa Kuosmanen (eds.), Kansallis-galleria. Suuret suomalaiset. Sääty-yhteiskunnan Suomi. Helsinki: WSOY. Pp. 160–161.
1995b. Kalevalalainen nainen – ”emäntä” ja ”uros” [‘The Kalevalaic Woman – A Keeper of
the House and a Hero’]. In Pirta 1/1995. Pp.11– 13.
1989. Epiikan maailma, maailmankuva, runokuva [‘The World of Epic, World-View, Poetic
Image’]. In Karjalan heimo 5–6/1989. Pp. 81–82.
G) Theses
1989. Epiikan maailma, maailmakuva, runokuva – Kylämonografia Vuonnisen
runokulttuurista [The Epic Universe, World View, Poetic Imagery – A Study on the
Rune-Singing Culture of Vuonninen Village]. Master’s thesis, Department of Finnish and Comparative Folklore Studies, University of Helsinki. 197+22 p. (Unpublished thesis).
1990. Epiikan maailma. Vienalaiskylän runokulttuuri symbolisena systeeminä [The Epic
Universe. The Rune-Singing Culture of an Archangel Karelian Village as a Symbolic
System]. Licentiate thesis, Department of Folklore Studies, University of Helsinki. 384+6 p. (Unpublished thesis).
2005. Rajarahvaan laulu. Tutkimus Vuokkiniemen kalevalamittaisesta runokulttuurista 1821–
1921. [The Song of the Border People. The Kalevala-Meter Rune-Singing Culture in
Vuokkiniemi 1821–1921]. Doctoral thesis. Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran Toimituksia 1033.Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society. 534 p. Defended in public at the Faculty of Arts,
University of Helsinki, 11.11.2005.
Organization of international scientific conferences, seminars, and workshops (2008–2018)
- Formula: Units of Speech – ‘Words’ of Verbal Art, 17.5.2017–19.5.2017, Helsinki, Finland. Partner: Finnish Literature Society.
- Mythos II: Theories and Methods for the Study of Myths 7-8.5.2016, Nemi, Italy. Partners: Museum of Religions “Raffaele Pettazzoni”, University of Turin.
- Word Power 25–27.4.2016, Tarto, Estonia. Partners: Departments of Ethnology and Estonian and Comparative folklore, University of Tarto.
- Parallelism in Verbal Art and Performance 26–27.5.2014, Helsinki, Finland. Partners: Finnish Literature Society, research project Oral and Literary Culture in the Medieval Early Modern Baltic Sea Region (Academy of Finland).
- Song and Emergent Poetics, Oral Traditions in Performance – Песня и видоизменяющаяся поэтика, Устные традиции в живом исполнении 21–24.11.2013, Kuhmo, Finland. Partners: Runosong Academy, research project Song and Singing as Cultural Communication (University of Tampere / Academy of Finland).
- Register II: Emergence, Change and Obsolescence 22–24.5.2013, Helsinki, Finland. Partners: Finnish Literature Society, research project Oral and Literary Culture in the Medieval Early Modern Baltic Sea Region (Academy of Finland).
- Register I: Intersections of Language, Context and Communication 22–25.5.2012, Helsinki, Finland. Partners: Finnish Literature Society.
- 31th Nordic Ethnology and Folklore Conference ‘Byggstenar – Substances. Rethinking the Material, the Visual and the Narrative in Culture’, Helsinki, Finland, 18–22.8.2009.
Organization of panels in international conferences (2008–2018)
- Exchanging Cultural Capital: Canons of Vernacular Tradition in the Making. 21-25.6.2015, SIEF Congress: Utopias, Realities, Heritages. Ethnographies for the 21st century, Zagreb, Croatia.
- Mythology as Cultural Knowing: Between Historical Experience and Imaginal Realities. 5−9.11. Annual meeting of the American Folklore Society: Folklore at the Crossroads, Santa Fe, USA.
- Discourses of Belief and Genre I–II (I: Negotiating Thresholds of Culture; II: Constructing Images and Imagining Culture). 15–19.10.2013, Annual meeting of the American Folklore Society: Cultural Sustainability. Providence, USA. Partner: Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore, University of Tarto.
- Homo narrans, Mythic Knowledge, and Vernacular Imagination I–III. 25–30.6.2013, 16th meeting of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research (ISFNR): Folk Narrative in the Modern World: Unity and Diversity, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Papers presented in international conferences and workshops (2008–2018)
- The proverbial couplet – textualization, genre, and discourse (ISFNR Interim Conference: Folk Narrative in Regions of Intensive Cultural Exchange, Ragusa, Italy 13.6.2018.
- Poetics of Exile – Home, identity and geopolitical belonging in Karelian oral poetry
(13th SIEF Congress: Ways of Dwelling – Crisis, craft, creativity, Göttingen, Germany) 28.3.2017.
- Myth, Utopia, and the Unseen: An Academic History of ‘Imagination’ (Regilaulu seitse nahka / The Seven Skins of Runosong, Tartu, Estonia). 30.11.2016. Keynote.
- Myth, Utopia and the Unseen: An Academic History of 'Imagination' (AFS American Folklore Society & International Society of Folk Narrative Researh Joint Annual Meeting: Unfinished Stories: Folklife and Folk Narrative at the Gateway to the Future, Miami, USA) 21.10.2016.
- Myth and Imagination: Images of the Otherworld and Utopian Discourse as Ways of Worldmaking (Mythos II: Theories and Methods for the Study of Myths / Teorie e Metodi nellos Studio del Mito. Nemi, Italy) 7.5.2016.
- Words, Powers, and Genres: Notes on the efficacy of oral poetry (Word Power, Tarto, Estonia) 27.4.2016. Keynote.
- Displaced Tradition: The making of the last bard (12th SIEF2015 Congress: Utopias, Realities, Heritages. Ethnographies for the 21st century, Zagreb, Croatia) 24.6.2015
- Historical Consciousness and Creativity in Archival Research. (Why folkloristics? Visby, Sweden) 10.6.2015.
- Parallelism and the Emergent Structure of Oral Poems. (Parallelism in Verbal Art and Performance, Helsinki, Finland) 27.5.2014.
- Cosmic Nostalgia: Representations of Wailing, Exile and Homesickness (Annual meeting of the American Folklore Society: Folklore at the Crossroads, Santa Fe, USA) 7.11.2014.
- The Displaced Bard - Oral Tradition and Ideology on the Frontier. (Finnic languages, cultures, and genius loci, Länemeresoome keeled, kultuurid ja kohavaim, Tarto, Estonia) 8.3.2013. Keynote.
- The Sampo, Myth and Imagination – Conference ‘Kalevala: Finnish and Karelian Epic, Folk Poetry, Art and Music / Kalevala: epica, poesia orale, arte musica finlandese e
careliana’, Cividale del Friuli, Italy, 28.5.2011.
- The Dialogue of Genres in Kalevala-Meter Poetry – Conference ‘Singers and Tales in
the 21st Century: The Legacies of Milman Parry and Albert Lord’, Harvard University,
Department of Classics, Cambridge. Mass., USA, 5.12.2010.
- Performance, Authority, and Genre in Kaleva-Meter Poetry – 31th Nordic Ethnology
and Folklore Conference ‘Byggstenar – Substances. Rethinking the Material, the Visual
and the Narrative in Culture’, Helsinki, Finland, 18.8.2009. Keynote.
12. Supervision of PhD thesis
Following completed PhDs supervised at the University of Helsinki:
2018/2019 Vesa Matteo Piludu (dissertation approved to be defended in January 2019)
2018 Jukka Saarinen (pass)
2017 Heidi Haapoja (pass)
2015 Ulla Savolainen (laudatur)
2014 Eila Stepanova (magna cum laude approbatur)
2013 Kati Kallio (magna cum laude approbatur)
2011 Kaarina Koski (laudatur)
2011 Venla Sykäri (eximia cum laude approbatur)
Supervisor of the following PhD students: Iiris Haikonen, Tuukka Karlsson, Siria Kohonen, Ljubov Liski, Niina Paakkonen, Viliina Silvonen, Oona Simolin
Additional information on organized conferences and seminars, participation in conferences, and evaluation and supervision of PhD thesis, as well as other scholarly activities, see Tuhat, research database of the University of Helsinki: https://tuhat.halvi.helsinki.fi/portal/fi/
Key Research Interests
Kalevala-meter poetry and the Kalevala
Oral poetics
Folklore genres: systems, concepts and intertextuality
Archangel Karelian culture
Microhistory and contextualization of oral poetry
The history of systems of communication: the oral/literate interface
Elementary course in folklore research
The Kalevala and kalevala-meter oral poetry
Tradition archives
Tutkimustuotos: Artikkelijulkaisu › Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli kirjassa/raportissa/konferenssijulkaisussa › Kirjan luku tai artikkeli › Tieteellinen
Tutkimustuotos: Kirja/raportti › Kokoomateos tai erikoisnumero › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Tutkimustuotos: Artikkelijulkaisu › Artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli kirjassa/raportissa/konferenssijulkaisussa › Kirjan luku tai artikkeli › Tieteellinen › vertaisarvioitu
Tarkka, L., Saarelainen, J. K., Karhu, H., Hämäläinen, N., Kallio, K. & Mäkelä, H. H.
01/09/2019 → 31/08/2023
Projekti: Tutkimusprojekti
Stepanova, E., Mäkelä, H. H., Kalkun, A., Tarkka, L. & Fewster, D.
01/01/2017 → 31/12/2021
Projekti: Tutkimusprojekti
Stepanova, E., Tarkka, L., Frog, M. & Lukin, K.
01/09/2012 → 31/08/2016
Projekti: Tutkimusprojekti
Tarkka, L., Anttonen, P., Apo, S., Siikala, A., Salmi-Niklander, K., Latvala, P., Survo, A., Frog, M., Ahola, J., Hyvönen, J. T., Kallio, K., Koski, K., Naarminen, N., Lukin, K., McKeough, A., Misharina, G., Ojanen, K., Savolainen, U., Stark, E., Stepanova, E., Sykäri, V., Mäkelä, H. H. & Hämäläinen, N.
24/02/2011 → 24/02/2011
Projekti: Tutkimuksen arviointi 2011
Tarkka, Lotte (Vastaanottaja), 23 lokak. 2020
Palkinto: Palkinnot ja kunnianosoitukset
Tarkka, Lotte (Vastaanottaja), 2007
Palkinto: Palkinnot ja kunnianosoitukset
Tarkka, Lotte (Vastaanottaja), 1990
Palkinto: Palkinnot ja kunnianosoitukset
Tarkka, Lotte (Vastaanottaja), 1990
Palkinto: Palkinnot ja kunnianosoitukset
Lotte Tarkka (Puhuja: esitelmän pitäjä) & Heidi Henriikka Mäkelä (Puhuja: esitelmän pitäjä)
Aktiviteetti: Tapahtumaan osallistumisen ja tapahtuman järjestämisen tyypit › Konferensseihin, kursseille ja seminaareihin osallistuminen ja näiden järjestäminen
Lotte Tarkka (Järjestäjätoimikunnan puheenjohtaja), Niina Hämäläinen (Järjestäjätoimikunnan jäsen), Kati Kallio (Järjestäjätoimikunnan jäsen), Hanna Karhu (Järjestäjätoimikunnan jäsen), Heidi Henriikka Mäkelä (Järjestäjätoimikunnan jäsen) & Juhana Kaj Saarelainen (Järjestäjätoimikunnan jäsen)
Aktiviteetti: Tapahtumaan osallistumisen ja tapahtuman järjestämisen tyypit › Konferensseihin, kursseille ja seminaareihin osallistuminen ja näiden järjestäminen
Lotte Tarkka (Ohjaaja)
Aktiviteetti: Tutkimustyypit › Väitöskirjatyön seurantaryhmän jäsen
Lotte Tarkka (Ohjaaja)
Aktiviteetti: Tutkimustyypit › Väitöskirjatyön seurantaryhmän jäsen
Lotte Tarkka (Hallituksen jäsen)
Aktiviteetti: Jäsenyystyypit › Jäsenyys tai muu rooli kansallisessa/kansainvälisessä komiteassa, toimikunnassa tai hallituksessa