Henkilökohtainen profiili

Tutkimuksen ja opetuksen kuvaus

Kts. englanninkieliset sivut.


I was appointed as a professor of Bioproduction Chemistry at the University of Helsinki, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry in December 1, 2001. I started at my position in August 1, 2002. During 2004-2006 and 2014-2017 I have been acting as the Head of Department and during 2010-2013 as the Vice-Head of Department. During the period 2018-2021 I acted as the Vice-Dean with reponsibility on research and doctoral education. Since the beginning of 2023, I will be the Deputy Director of the University of Helsinki Doctoral School.

Before joining the University of Helsinki I have worked almost fifteen years at VTT Biotechnology as a graduate student, a scientist, a senior scientist and a group manager (Enzyme Technology). After that I was employed by KCL, Finnish Pulp and Paper Research Institute for a short period. As a PhD student I spent seven months as a visiting scientist at the Department of Chemistry, MIT, USA.



  • 416 Elintarviketieteet
  • hiilihydraatit, poly- ja oligosakkaridit, bioprosessointi
  • 116 Kemia
  • hiilihydraattikemia, polymeerikemia, elintarvikekemia
  • 220 Teollinen bioteknologia
  • Entsyymitekniikka, bioprosessointi
  • 11832 Mikrobiologia ja virologia

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