Ei valokuvaa Milutin Stojanovic
  • PL 24 (Unioninkatu 40)



  • Yliopistonkatu 3

    00014 Helsingin yliopisto



Tutkimustuotoksia vuodessa

Henkilökohtainen profiili

Tutkimuksen ja opetuksen kuvaus

Milutin Stojanovic is with the Philosophy and Methodology of Sustainability Science Research Group within the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Helsinki, where he is Postdoctoral Researcher of Methodology of Interdisciplinary Practices in Sustainability Science. He is also a member of the Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science, where he seeks to understand and to map current modeling practices in sustainability science, to elaborate insights in inter- and transdisciplinary methodology and to develop science-policy instructions and recommendations. Understanding methodological issues of interdisciplinarity is important to stress the cognitive limitations that shape the scientific assessments of sustainability crises and sub-determine specific socio-economic responses.

Milutin’s research is focused on sustainable agriculture, where he examines inter- and transdisciplinary methodology based on case-studies from the Nordic region and particularly Finland. Contributing to approximately 30% of global greenhouse gas emissions puts agriculture in focus of sustainability research, and complex interactions of economic, social and environmental issues and objectives require a detailed philosophical study of interdisciplinary potentials and limitations of sustainable approaches.


PhD studies, Department of Phillosophy, Unoversity of Belgrade, 2012-2016.

M.A. studies, Department of Phillosophy, Unoversity of Belgrade, 2010-2011.

B.A. studies, Department of Phillosophy, Unoversity of Belgrade, 2006-2010.


Milutin is interested in apllying philosophy of sciece to issues on sustainabilty and developing philosophy of sustainablity science. He is particularly interested in metodolgy of interdisciplinarity as a new mode of scientific research, and seeks to understand the conceptual and institutional constrains this kind oresearch faces. Due to due to the pivotal importance of agriculture for soical, economic and environmental matters he focuses specifically on interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary methodolgy in existing and emerging sustainable agriculture.

Koulutus / tieteellinen pätevyys

Philosophy, PhD, Model theory and exactness of scientific representation

Myöntöpäivä: 18 marrask. 2016


  • 611 Filosofia

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