Henkilökohtainen profiili


Pekka Mäkelä

Curriculum Vitae


Office Address                                                                                                   Home Address

HSSH Helsinki Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities                            Tinatie 2 C 39       

                                                            00440 Helsinki            PO BOX 24 (Vuorikatu 3)

00014 University of Helsinki


E-mail: [email protected]



Present Position

Vice director, 10.1.2023-31.12.2025, HSSH

Research coordinator 1.1.2019- (permanent)

HSSH Helsinki Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities
Social and Health Research and Management
Faculty of Social Sciences
University of Helsinki


Previous Employment

(1) Professor Raimo Tuomela’s research assistant, 1996-1997, at the Department of Social and Moral Philosophy, University of Helsinki

(2) Researcher in the project “Philosophy of Social Action” directed by Academy Professor R. Tuomela 1997-2004

(3) Visiting Fellow, the Faculty of Arts, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 3.10.2000-2.1.2001. (Academy of Finland)

(4) Visiting Fellow, The Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics, Canberra, Australia, 1.10.2000-30.12.2000. (Academy of Finland)

(5) Adjunct teacher, Florida State University, Spring 2002 (8.1.2002-26.4.2002)

(6) Assistant, Department of Social and Moral Philosophy, University of Helsinki, Spring 2003, 1.1.2003-30.6.2003.

(7) Researcher in the project “In Institutions We Trust” directed by Professor Timo Airaksinen 2004-2006

(8) Researcher in the Project “Cooperation, Collective Intentionality, and the Evolution of Human Sociality” directed by Raimo Tuomela 2006-2007

(9)  Researcher, Department of Social and Moral Philosophy, University of Helsinki. The project Social Groups, Moral Autonomy, and Responsibility directed by Professor Heta Gylling and funded by the Academy of Finland. 1.1.2008.-31.3.200

(10) Researcher, Department of Social and Moral Philosophy, University of Helsinki. The project TINT directed by Academy professor Uskali Mäki and funded by the Academy of Finland, 1.7.2008-31.7.2009

(11) Coordinator of the Finnish Cultural foundation funded workshop series on Market and Marketization, 1.8.2009-15.6.2012

(12) Researcher, Department of Social and Moral Philosophy, University of Helsinki. The project “One for All and All for One” directed by professor Raimo Tuomela and funded by the Academy of Finland, 16.6.2012-31.12.2012

(13) Coordinator of the Finnish Centre of Excellence in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences 1.1.2013-31.12.2017

(14) Head of Discipline of Practical Philosophy 1.1.2018-30.12.2018

(15) Coordinator of the Centre for Philosophy of Social Science 1.1.2018-30.12.2018



Administrative experience

(1) Member of the Department Board at the Department of Social and Moral Philosophy, University of Helsinki, 1998-2004

(2) Member of the nomination committee of the lecturers at Department of Social and Moral Philosophy in the University of Helsinki 2002-2003

(3) Organizer of the Workshop: Trust and Responsibility: Critical Perspectives on Social Capital, Villa Lante, Rome, Italy, 15. – 17.9.2005

(4) Representative of the Department of Social and Moral Philosophy, University of Helsinki, in the organizing committee meeting of the EU-Australia network of student exchanges in Lancaster 20.-22.9.2006

(5) Director in the EU-Australia network of student exchanges, a new 3 year program,  2006- 2009 (the director in charge is Heta Gylling)

(6) Organizer of the Workshop: Trust, Villa Lante, Rome, Italy, 5.9. – 6.9.2007

(7) Coordinator in the workshop series The Market and Marketization, funded by the Finnish Cultural Foundation, 2009-; Workshop I: 9.4.-10.4.2010; Workshop II: 7.1.-8.1.2011; Workshop III: 5.9.-6.9.2011 ; Workshop IV:4.5.-5.5.2012

(8) Member of the Search Committee of the Faculty of the Social Sciences at the University of Helsinki.  April 2014-

(9) Member of the nomination committee of Grant writer in the Faculty of the social science Spring 2015

(10) Member of the Faculty International Affairs Working Group, the Faculty of the Social Sciences at the University of Helsinki.  April 2016-

(11) Main organizer, with Raul Hakli, of Robophilosophy 2022 -conference, in Helsinki 16.-19.8.2022



Master of Social Sciences, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Helsinki, 1998, Thesis: Prisoner’s Dilemma: Gauthier’s Solution

Dissertation thesis Collective Moral Responsibility: Against Collectivism, August, 22, 2013

Opponent professor David Copp, custos Academy professor Uskali Mäki

Ph. D, University of Helsinki (D.Soc.Sci, 1.10.2013)


Awards and Grants

The Finnish Cultural Foundation research grant, 2001, 2002, 2003

PI Academy of Finland project Ethical Risks and Responsibility of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence, grant 09/2020-08/2024

PI S-factor

PI Trust and Value Sensitive Design, in SRC project: REPAIR



Articles in refereed international journals

(1) ”Collective Moral Responsibility: A Collective as an Independent Moral Agent? ”,  Australian Journal of Professional and Applied Ethics, 2000, Vol. 2, No. 2, 86-101.

(2) ”Group Action and Group Responsibility” (with Raimo Tuomela), in Protosociology vol.16, 2002, 195-214.

(3) ”The Collectivist Approach to Collective Moral Responsibility” (with  Seumas Miller), in Metaphilosophy, 2005, Vol. 36, No. 5, 634-651.

(4) “A Realist Account of the Ontology of Impairment” (with Simo Vehmas), in Journal of Medical Ethics, 2008, 34, 93-95

(5) “Collective Agents and Moral Responsibility”, in the Journal of Social Philosophy, vol. XXXVIII, no 3, Fall 2007

(6) “Do we Have Austerity Obligations?”, jointly authored with Adrian Walsh, The Conversation, 5 May 2014

(7) “Group Agents and Their Responsibility”, jointly authored with Raimo Tuomela Journal of Ethics, 2016 (First online 9.6.2016) pp. 1-18 (ISSN 1382-4554) (DOI 10.1007/s10892-016-9236-7)

(8)“Understanding Institutions without Collective Acceptance?”, together with Raul Hakli and Sonja Amadae, Philosophy of the Social Sciences 48, 6, (2018) 608-629

(9) “Moral Responsibility and Hybrid Agents” together with Raul Hakli, The Monist 102, 259-275, 2019


Articles in refereed international edited volumes and in international scientific conference proceedings

(1) ”We-attitudes and Social Institutions”, (with Petri Ylikoski), in G. Meggle (ed.), Social Facts & CollectiveIntentionality, German Library of Sciences, Philosophical Research, Dr. Hänsel-Hohenhausen AG, 2002, 459-474.

(2) ”How Can we Avoid Traffic Jams? Simulating the Social Practice of Joint Ride”, (with Hofmann, S., Pitz, T. and Chmura, T.), in Urban Ch. (editor) 3rd Workshop on Agent-Based Simulation, April 7-9, 2002, Passau, Germany, pp. 50-54, 2002. 

(3) ”Others Will Do It”, (with P. Ylikoski), in Sintonen, M., Ylikoski, P., and Miller, K. (eds.) Realism in Action: Essays in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003

(4) “The ontology of disability and impairment: a discussion of the natural and social features” (with S. Vehmas) in Kristiansen K., Vehmas, S., and Shakespeare, T. (eds.) Arguing about Disability:Philosophical Perspectives, Routledge, pp.42-57, 2009.

(5) “Editor’s Introduction”, (jointly with Cynthia Townley) in Mäkelä, P. and Townley, C. (eds.)  Trust: Analytic and Applied Perspectives, RoDoPi, VIBS series, 2013, vii-xii.

(6)”Desire for Esteem as a Reason for Trust?” in Mäkelä, P. and Townley, C. (eds.)  Trust: Analytic and Applied Perspectives, RoDoPi, VIBS series, 2013, 119-130.

(7) “ Entry on Raimo Tuomela” Cambridge Dictionary in Philosophy, 2016

(8) “Entry on Social Ontology”, Cambridge Dictionary in Philosophy, 2016

(9) “Planning in the we-mode”, jointly authored with Raul Hakli,  In: Preyer, G. and Peter, G. (eds.) Critical Essays on the Philosophy of Raimo Tuomela with HIS Responses, Studies in the Philosophy of Sociality, Springer.

 (10) “Robots, Autonomy, and Responsibility” jointly authored with Raul Hakli in Proceedings of Robophilosophy 2016

(11) “We-Thinking as the Motivational Driver for Socially Responsible Behaviour” jointly authored with Adrian Walsh inLorenzo Sacconi and Giacomo Degli Antoni (Eds) Handbook on the economics of social responsibility: individuals, corporations and institutions, Edward Elgar (forthcoming)

(12) “Bad Arguments for Responsibility Sharing”, together with Raul Hakli, Proceedings of Robophilosophy 2018

(13) “We-mode Account of Group Action and Group Responsibility”, with Raimo Tuomela, in Deborah Tollefsen and Saba Bazargan-Forward (eds.) Routledge Handbook on Collective Responsibility, 2020

(14) “Identity of Corporations: Against the Shareholder View”, together with Raul Hakli, in Social Ontology, Normativity and Law, eds: Garcia-Godinez, M., Mellin, R., and Tuomela, R. Berlin De Gruyter, 2020.

(15) “We-mode in theory and action”,  R.Hakli,, K.Miller, P.Mäkelä, in Tuomela on Sociality, 11-35, 2023.



Articles in refereed Finnish scientific edited volumes and in Finnish scientific conference proceedings

(1) ”Sosiaalisen toiminnan filosofia ja kollektiivisen toiminnan ongelmat”(tr. Philosophy of Social Action and the Collective Action Dilemmas), (with Raimo Tuomela), in (eds. Kotkavirta, J. and Laitinen, A., Yhteisö (tr. Community), SoPhi, pp. 199-216, 1998.

(2) ”Ryhmän toiminta ja vastuu”,(tr. Group Action and Group Responsibility) (with Tuomela, R.) in (eds.) Kanniainen, V. and Sintonen, M., Etiikka ja Talous,(tr. Ethics and Economy) WSOY, pp. 372-386, 2003.

(3) “Luottamus sosiaalisen pääoman teorioiden ydinkäsitteenä”, (tr.Trust as a Key Notion in Theories of Social Capital) (with Floora Ruokonen) in SoCa –program publication Sosiaalisen pääoman kentät (tr. The Fields of Social Capital), pp.21-44, 2005.

(4) Sosiaalinen toiminta (social action) together with Raimo Tuomela, in Tuija Kotiranta, Petteri Niemi and Raili Haaki (eds.)) Sosiaalisen toiminnan perusta (Foundatios of Social Action), Gaudeamus, 87-113, 2011

(5)   ”Robotiikka, tekoäly, ja vastuu”, yhdessä Raul Haklin kanssa teoksessa Rikoksen ja Rangaistuksen filosofiaa, toim: Esko Yli-Hemminki, Sakari Melander, and Kimmo Nuotio, Gaudeamus, 364-378, 2023


Edited volumes

  • Filosofisia iskuja: kirjoituksia Martti Kuokkasen 50-vuotispäivän kunniaksi, (tr.Philosophical Punches: Essays in the Honour of Martti Kuokkanen) (eds.) Mäkelä, P, Vehkavaara, T. and Vuorio, T., FITTY 65, Tampere, 1998.
  • Trust: Analytic and Applied Perspectives, together with Cynthia Townley, RoDoPi VIBS series, 2013, Netherlands.
  • Social Ontology in the Making (eds) Raimo Tuomela, Raul Hakli, Pekka Mäkelä DeGruyter 2020 Berlin
  • Social Robots in Social Institutions, Proceedings of Robophilosophy 2022, Eds Hakli R., Mäkelä P., and Seibt J., Netherlands, IOS Press
  • The Mental in Intentional Action, Hakli, O’Brien, Mäkelä, Sep. 2021 In Philosophical Explorations;: international journal for philosophy of mind and action, 24,3,337-339; Intro to the symposium proceedings


Dissertation thesis: Collective Moral Responsibility: Against Collectivism, in series Philosophical Studies from the University of Helsinki, no 40, 2013, Juvenes Print Tampere


International scientific congresses and research visits


(1) Commentator at the Collective Intentionality meeting Munich, June 12, 1999

(2) Invited Lecture ”Collective Responsibility” at the University of Gent, Belgium, March 30, 2000

(3) Lecture ”Collective Moral Responsibility”, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, Australia, 18.10.2000

(4) Lecture ”Collective Moral Responsibility – a critical notice on M. Gilbert’s account” Melbourne University, Australia, 7.12. 2000

(5) Lecture ”Collective Omissions and Moral Responsibility: remarks on Hardin, Zimmerman, and May”,  jointly with prof. Seumas Miller, Australian National University, Australia, 15.12.2000.

(6) Lecture ”Group Responsibility”, Social Action and Social Knowledge colloquium, University of Helsinki, 30.11.2001

(7) Commentator at the Collective Intentionality III meeting in Rotterdam 12.12.-14.12.2002 (2 papers)

(8) Chair person at the Reason, Action and Social Practice colloquium, University of Helsinki, 19.2. 2003

(9) Lecture ”Group Persons and Moral Responsibility”, at Action: Reason, Freedom, and Responsibility Colloquium, Department of Social and Moral Philosophy, University of Helsinki, 3.6.2004

(10) Lecture “Desire for Esteem as a Reason to Trust?”, Workshop: Trust and Responsibility: Critical Perspectives on Social Capital, Villa Lante, Rome, Italy, 15. – 17.9.2005

(11) Lecture “Collective Agents and Moral Responsibility”, Collective Intentionality V –conference, Helsinki, Finland, 31.8.-2.9.2006.

(12) Lecture “Should We Accept the Collective Moral Autonomy Thesis?” Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich, Germany, 27.6. 2007

(13) Lecture “The Collective Moral Autonomy Thesis”, in the Trust Workshop in Villa Lante, Rome, 6.9.2007

(14) "Mapping the Study of Collective Intentionality", Workshop on Collective Intentionality of the DAAD research groups of Helsinki and Munich, 3.7.2008, Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich, Saksa,

(15) "Mapping the Study of Collective Intentionality", Collective Intentionality VI conference, 9.7.2008, University of California at Berkeley, USA,

(16) Market and Marketization workshop I, Majvik, Finland, organizer, 9.4.-10.4.2010

(17) ”Collective Understanding”, with Petri Ylikoski, Collective Intentionality VII conference, University fo Basel, Switzerland, 23.-26.8.2010

(18) Market and Marketization workshop II, Majvik, Finland, organizer, 7.1.-8.1.2011

(19) Market and Marketization workshop III, Majvik, Finland, organizer, 5.9.-6.9.2011

(20) Market and Marketization workshop IV, Majvik, Finland, organizer, 4.5.-5.5.2012

(21) ”Austerity, Citizens’ rights and Just war theory” in Democracy in Times of Crisis, Charles University in Prague, Czech, 14.-15.11.2013, joint paper with Adrian Walsh

(22) ”Planning in the We-mode”, in Collective Minds –conference, Helsinki, 24.4.2015, joint paper with Raul Hakli

(23) ”Planning  group agents”, in Ontology of Subjectivity: Selves, Persons, Organisms, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 1.9.-3.9.2015

(24) ”Thinking and acting in the we-mode”, a short talk and a poster session on Raimo Tuomela’s book Social Ontology, in Ontology of Subjectivity: Selves, Persons, Organisms, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 1.9.-3.9.2015

(25) ”Planning and team reasoning”, (together with Raul Hakli), ENSO IV, Palermo, Italy, 24.9.-26.9.2015

(26) ”Collective Responsibility and Robotics” (together with Raul Hakli), Collective Intentionality X, The Hague, Netherlands, 30.8.-2.9.2016

(27) ”Not understanding Institutions” (together with Raul Hakli), ENSO V, Lund, Sweden, 30.9.-1.10.2017

(28) “Bad Arguments for Responsibility Sharing” with Raul Hakli, Robophilosophy meeting, Vienna, 13.2.-18.2.2018

(29)”Collective Intentionality and Interdisciplinary Collaboration”, with Raul Hakli, STS meeting, Tampere,

(30) “Moral responsibility and Agency: Individual and Collective”, Social Ontology, Munich 21.6.2018

(31) “Hybrid Agents and Responsibility Sharing” with Raul Hakli, Social Ontology 2018, Boston, 22.8.-24.8.2018

(32) “We-mode in theory and action”, together with Raul Hakli and  Kaarlo Miller, Seminar in Memoriam of Raimo Tuomela: Symposium within the conference "Social Ontology 2021",

 San Diego, USA, 14.8.2021.

(33) “Agency and Collective Responsibility”, keynote in the symposium "Themes from Raimo Tuomela's Social Ontology", (27-28.9.2022), University of Bucharest, Romania, 27.9.2022.

(34) “Human-Robot Interaction within the framework of Criminal Law” together with Kamil Mamak and Raul Hakli, HRI -conference Stockholm, 13.3.-16.3. 2023

(35) “Why Should We Pay Attention to Gender and Race in Robot Design?”, together with Raul Hakli and Kamil Mamak, Technology&Sustainable Development 2023, Halden, Norway, 15-17.6.202

(36) “To ways of Formalizing Responsibility”, invited talk, Formalising Responsibility workshop, University of Manchester, 20.-23.9.2023

(37)”AI Extended Moral Agency”, together with Pii Telakivi, 2nd International Conference on Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (2ICEA), Casa dos Livros, Faculty of Arts, University of Porto, 28, 29 & 30 November 2023



Public talks

  • “Responsibility Issues in AI and robotics” (in Finnish “Tekoälyn ja robotiikan vastuukysymyksiä”. together with Raul Hakli), Valtiokonttori, Helsinki, February 7, 2018


  • 2) “Responsibility issues and robotics” (In Finnish “Vastuukysymykset ja robotiikka” together with Raul Hakli). Kulttuuriympäristöpäivät, Karelia -talo, Joensuu, October 29, 2018.


Research visits

(1) 3 Research visits, Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich, Germany, 9.6.-22.6.2000;  3.7.-21.7.2001 and 5.-12.8.2002: joint research on Simulation of Collective Action, DAAD –project funded by the Academy of Finland

(2) Research visit to Cambridge University 2.5.-6.5.2006

(3) Research visit, Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich, Germany, DAAD –project, 26.6.-3.7.2006: joint research on cooperation, funded by Academy of Finland

(4) Visit to Australia, ANU (Canberra), Charles Sturt University (Wagga Wagga), University of Adelaide, University of Melbourne, as the representative of University of Helsinki, preparation of EU-AUS exchange program, 4.2.-18.2.2007

(5) Research visit, Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich, Germany, DAAD –project, 26.6.-3.7.2007: joint research on cooperation, funded by Academy of Finland

(6) Research visit, Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich, Germany, DAAD –project, 1.7..-7.7.2008: joint research on cooperation, funded by Academy of Finland





(1) Graduate level course in the philosophy of the social sciences 1996

(2) Introduction to the philosophy of science 1997

(3) Introduction to the methodology 1997

(4) Introduction to the philosophy of science 1999

(5) Introduction to the philosophy of the social sciences 2000

(6) Course on moral responsibility in the School of Economics in Helsinki, Spring 2001

(7) Philosophy of Science, University of Technology, Tampere, Fall 2001

(8) Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Adjunct teacher, Florida State University, Spring 2002       (8.1.2002-26.4.2002)

(9) Lecture ”Rights of the Dead”, in lecture series Philosophy of Death in University of Helsinki 19.11.2002

(10) Lecture and discussion afternoon, together with Petri Ylikoski, on Philosophy of Social Action for the Science Studies Research Community in the University of Helsinki 28.11. 2002

(11) Argumentation in Philosophy, Spring 2003, University of Helsinki, Assistant course

(12) Research Plan Seminar, Spring 2003, University of Helsinki, Assistant course

(13) Commentator on Karoliina Snell’s  Ph. D. thesis on responsibility, the Science Studies Research Unit in the University of Helsinki 17.3. 2003

(14) Lectures (2x 1,5 h) ”Liberalism and Collective Responsibility” in the Helsinki Summer School 2003 on Neo-Liberalism, University of Helsinki, 12.8.2003

(15) Dr. Tim DeMey’s co-teacher in the course Philosophical Argumentation, Spring 2004, University of Helsinki

(16) Lectures (2x1,5 h) “Group Persons and Collective Moral Responsibility” in the Helsinki Summer School 2004 titled Justice and Responsibility in the Global World, 11.8.2004 (also an instructor in Group Discussions (14-18 h))

(17) Lecture on Collective Responsibility in the School of Economics in Helsinki, 3.9.2004

(18) Dr. Tim DeMey’s co-teacher in the course Philosophical Argumentation, Spring 2005, University of Helsinki

(19) Lectures (2x1,5 h) “Group Persons and Collective Moral Responsibility” in the Helsinki Summer School 2005 titled Global Ethics, 24.8.2005 (also  instructor in Group Discussion)

(20) Reading seminar on Trust with Floora Ruokonen, Department of Social and Moral Philosophy, University of Helsinki, Spring 2006

(21) Dr. Tim DeMey’s co-teacher in the course Philosophical Argumentation, Spring 2006, University of Helsinki

(22) Lecture on Collective Responsibility in the research seminar at the Department of the Social Sciences and Philosophy in the University of Jyväskylä, 9.3.2006

(23) Lecture on Ontology of Disability and Impairment, Jyväskylä, Vammaisuuden ja Erilaisuuden filosofiaa koulutuspäivä, 7.3.2007

(24) Course on Collective Moral Responsibility 13.3.-24.4. 2007, University of Helsinki, (in English)

(25) Introduction to philosophy of social sciences (in Finnish) 19.1.-3.3.2011 University of Helsinki

(26) Argumentation in Research, Helsinki School of Economics, with Raul Hakli, Spring 2011

(27) Social sciences and argumentation (in Finnish) with Jaakko Kuorikoski University of Helsinki 17.1.-29.2.2012

(28) Philosophical thinking with Jaakko Kuorikoski, University of Helsinki, Spring 2012-03-08

(29) Argumentation in Research, Helsinki School of Economics, with Raul Hakli, Spring 2012

(30) Social sciences and argumentation (in Finnish) with Jaakko Kuorikoski University of Helsinki 15.1.-27.2.2013

(31) Philosophical thinking with Jaakko Kuorikoski, University of Helsinki, Spring 2013 (11.3.-)

(32) Argumentation in Research, Helsinki School of Economics, with Raul Hakli, Spring 2013

(33) HSSH Academic leadership and career planning 2020-2021; 2021-2022, 6 workshop course for young PIs at UH, together with Risto Kunelius and Kirsi Pyhältö



Theses assessed

(1) Jussi Sava’s candidate thesis, examiner with Arto Siitonen

(2) Jussi Sava’s pro graduate thesis, examiner with Raimo Tuomela

3) Esko Yli-Hemminki, pro graduate thesis examiner with Jaakko Kuorikoski



Säde Hormio, Pro graduate thesis and dissertation defended December 2017

Miguel Garcia, dissertation defended 2020

Lukas op de Beke, forthcoming dissertation

Laura Kontiainen

A number of pro graduate theses since 2005


”Semi-academic” activities

  • Stockholm International Forum 2004: Preventing Genocide – Threats and Responsibilities, as an expert member of the Finnish delegation run by Minister of Justice of Finland Johannes Koskinen, 26.1.- 28.1.2004


  • Chair in the Free Will session in Tieteen Päivät, (Antti Kauppinen, Kai Kaila, Karri Silventoinen), 12.1.2017, University of Helsinki, 10-12


  • HYTEAIRO: one of the UH representatives


  • SITRA Rulebook, member of the Ethics unit and one of the authors


  • Sitra kutsukeskustelustilaisuus Tiedollisten oikeuksien näkökulma tekoälyyn, klo 10-12, Sitra Itämerenkatu 11-13, 30.8.2023


  • SILE, STN -tilaisuus 9-11, paneelikeskustelu, Epicenter, 8.9.2023


  • STN-dialogit LVM, Digitalisaation ja Automatisaation sosiaalisten vaikutusten arviointi, LVM, Eteläesplanadi 4, Sali 9, 18.9.2023


  • Pro Rexi 2023 osallistuminen paneeliin aiheesta ”AI, koulu ja johtaminen”, 24.11.2023


Reviewing: Ethics, Journal of Social Ontology, Erkenntnis, Social Theory and Practice, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Philosophy, The Value Inquiry, Philosophical Papers, Synthese, Applied Philosophy, Journal of social Philosophy, Frontiers, Philosophical Quarterly


Review Editor: the Ethics in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence section within Frontiers in Robotics and AI 2020-


  • 611 Filosofia

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