Valokuva Raine Aiava

Tutkimustuotoksia vuodessa

Henkilökohtainen profiili



Raine Aiava

Korppaanmäentie 25 A 3

00300 Helsinki, FINLAND

+358 45 1107929

[email protected]



2025-27 Post-Doctoral Researcher at University of Helsinki, Department of Geosciences and Georgaphy. Funded by Research Council of Finland.

  • Project: Enchantment in young people’s technoscientific urban landscape: Encounters of difference and the opening of politics in the post-social city

2020-24 PhD researcher in Human Georgaphy in Doctoral Programme in Political, Societal, and Regional Changes. Funded by the University of Helsinki, Department of Geosciences and Georgaphy.

  • Dissertation: Becoming otherwise: the eventual politics in nonrepresentational geographies of thinking and learning Enchantment in young people’s technoscientific urban landscape: Encounters of difference and the opening of politics in the post-social city

2013-14  Fulbright Research Scholar: University of Helsinki, Aalto University of Arts, Design and Architecture.

2013       History of Arts and Visual Culture MA Concentration, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence RI

2012        Master’s of Fine Arts, Printmaking, Rhode Island School of Design.

  • Masters Thesis: Counter-Culture and Relational Aesthetics.

2007        Bachelor’s of Fine Arts, Printmaking. Minor in Art History. Herron School of Art, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis. Summa Cum Laude.




Aiava, R., Pyyry, N. (Forthcoming) "Education as site: Challenges to evental learning in the ontological turn." Journal of Philosophy of Education.


Aiava, R. & Pyyry, N. “Finland Extended: Encounters with ‘Top Gun’ films and the emerging post-social landscapes of youth”, in Aitken, S. & Rowlett, J. (eds), Film Landscapes of Global Youth: Imagining Young Lives. Routledge: London.


“Mèconnaissance in Mänttä”, No Niin. Vol. 5, 2021


Pyyry, N., & Aiava, R. Enchantment as fundamental encounter: wonder and the radical reordering of subject/world. cultural geographies, 27(4), 581-595.


Organizer/Editor, How to work together. Impossible Reader Series, book 2. Museum of Impossible Forms.


“On Arriving: Introduction to the Appearances of the Political Anthology”, published in POPULAR INQUIRY: The Journal of the Aesthetics of Kitsch, Camp and Mass Culture, 1/2019


Editor, Special Issue: Thinking Contemporary Art with Heidegger, Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology, vol. 4, no. 2, Nov. 2017. Routledge, Abingdon, UK.


“Producing and Experiencing the Everyday Through Daily-life.” Co-authored with Ossi Naukarinen, in Experiencing the Everyday, Nordic Summer University Press.


Editor/organizer. Changing Subjects, Changing Pedagogies: Diversities in School and Education. Publication of the Finnish Research Association for Subject Didactics.


Organizer/Primary Editor. Experiencing the Everyday. (NSU Press) Anthology of the Nordic Summer University Study Circle, Heterologies of the Everyday.



2023       “Dwelling in vulnerability: Love beyond the event”, paper at American Association of Geographers annual conference. Denver, CO.

2022       “Education as site: Challenges to eventual learning in the ontological turn”, paper at Nordic Geographers Meeting. Joensuu, FI.

2022        “Enduring love: Dwelling in vulnerability”, paper at Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Goegraphers) annual conference. Newcastle, UK.

2022         “Film and the emerging post-social landscapes of youth”, paper presentation at Geography Days (Geographical Society of Finland). Tampere, FI.

2020       “Wonder at the end of the world: eliminating the privileged subject in everyday aesthetics,” paper at Aesthetics Now, Finnish Society of Aesthetics.

2018       Organizer and Coordinator of Nordic Summer University Winter symposium, University of Copenhagen: “Political Arts and Aesthetics in the Everyday”, Feb 2 - 4, Copenhagen, DK

2017       Organizer and Coordinator of XIIth IIAA International Summer Conference on Environmental Aesthetics: “Considerations in Urban Aesthetics: City Planning, Transportation, and Everyday Life.” Lahti, Finland, 30.5.–1.6.2017 and Espoo, Finland, 2.6.2017.2017

2017       Organizer and Coordinator of “Appearances of the Political” Study Circle, NSU Summer Conference. July 25 - Aug 3, Saulkrasti, Latvia.

2017       “Tactics, Deterritorializations, and the Remainder: Urban Aesthetics and the Everyday”, paper at Philosophy of the City conference, Porto, Portugal.

2017       “Towards a Museum of Impossible Forms”, paper at Appearances of the Political: Aesthetics, Politics, and Material Culture, NSU winter Conference. Feburary 24 - 26, University of Wrocław

2016      Organizer (with Max Ryynanen), “Consensus/Dissensus: Art and Politics.” Aesthetics Seminar; Thirdspace Gallery, in cooperation with the Finnish Society of Aesthetics. Helsinki.

2016      “Challenges in Outlining the Possibility for a Political Art.” paper at Nordic Summer University Winter symposium, University of Latvia, Riga: Identifying the Political

2015      “Gaming the System: Re/activating the Polis” Paper at Nordic Summer University Summer Symposium: Everyday Politics: Redistribution of the sensible. Druskininkai, Lithuania.

2015      “Reclaiming Lost Time: Authenticity through Aesthetic experience in Proust and Heidegger.” Nordic
Summer University Winter symposium, University of Oslo: Exhibiting the Everyday: Representing, Mediating, Experimenting. Oslo, Norway.

2014      “The Aesthetic Dimension in Relational Aesthetics”, Annual Conference of the Nordic Society of Aesthetics: Art, the Aesthetic and Aesthetic Experience. Helsinki, Finland.

2014      “Aesthetics of the Everyday”, Estonian Literary Museum & University of Tartu Winter symposium:
Everyday moods, affects and attunements. Tartu, Estonia.

2013      “Love and the Cult of Individualism.” 21st American Voices Seminar Presentation at Turku University



2019-27 Researcher, University of Helsinki research group “Affective Politics and Geographies of Education”.

2019-     Association of American Geographers, member

2017-20 Researcher, Aalto University/Helsinki University Joint research group “Aesthetic Experience and Sense-making in Urban Planning.

2017-20 Vice Chair, The Center for the Advancement of Art, Culture and Education ry

2016-20 Board member and Editor, Nordic Summer University Press

2016-23 Founding member and Board member, Museum of Impossible Forms Collective

2015-17 Third Space collective

2015-18 Nordic Summer University Research Circle: Appearances of the Political 2013-15 Nordic Summer University Research Circle: Herterologies of the Everyday 2013-Nordic Society of Aesthetics

2015-     Finnish Society of Aesthetics member

2006-13 Southern Graphics Council International



Academic Honors, Merits, and Competitive Awards

2024-27 Research Council of Finland Post-doctoral project funding.

2017-20 Kone grant and operational support for Museum of Impossible Forms, in Kontula, Helsinki.

2015      Villa Sarkia Writers’ Residency, Sysmä, Finland. Paksu Pikku Possu: In the world.

2015      Nordic Summer University, Research Scholarship: Heterologies of the Everyday Study Circle. 2013-14 Fulbright Research Scholar Grant. Helsinki, Finland.

2010-13 Graduate Presidential Scholarship, Rhode Island School of Design. 2010-12 Graduate Fellowship, Rhode Island School of Design.

2012       Research Assistantship Grant: Philosophy. Rhode Island School of Design.

2012       Graduate Assistantship Grant: Art History. Rhode Island School of Design.

2011       Museum Fellowship in Contemporary Art. RISD Museum of Art.

2011       Graduate Assistantship Grant: Art History. Rhode Island School of Design.

2011       Graduate Assistantship Grant: Printmaking. Rhode Island School of Design.

2010       Graduate Assistantship Grant: Contemporary Art History and Theory. Rhode Island School of Design.

2006       Fehnel Family Travel Grant, Pont Aven summer art scholarship

2006      Edward R. Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fehnel Family Outstanding Student Scholarship

2005       Summer Research Opportunity Program (SROP), IUPUI; Approaching Art Theory and Criticism.

2005       National Emerging Artist Award, Emerging Artist Program. Miami, FL Cornelia McKay Scholarship.

2004       Norman Brown Research or Travel Grant, Relevance and Resonance. Mid-America Print Conference. 2003-07 IUPUI Outstanding Transfer Student Scholarship

2003-07 IUPUI Norman Brown Scholarship

2003       Liberal Arts Transfer Scholarship, College of the Sequoias Rouleau Fine Arts Scholarship, College of the Sequoias

2003       College of the Sequoias Foundation Scholarship

2003       Charlotte Mollan Memorial Research Award: State Proof: The Social Role of the Traditional Print

2003       Robert Harrell Memorial Scholarship, College of the Sequoias College of the Sequoias Hall of Fame Scholarship

2002       Printworks Undergraduate Grant; Frogman’s Print and Paper Workshop. Vermillion, SD


Teaching Experience



Instructor of record, Feminist and post-human geographies, Department of Geosciences and Geography, University of Helsinki.


Instructor of record, Feminist and post-human geographies, Department of Geosciences and Geography, University of Helsinki.


Instructor of record, Geographies of young people: everyday spaces of being and doing, Department of Geosciences and Geography, University of Helsinki.


Visiting Lecturer, Of Light and Dark: History of Printmaking and Mezzotint workshop, Eesti Kunstiakadeemia. Tallinn, Estonia.


Professor, Aesthetics of the Everyday, Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art Studies. University of Helsinki.


Instructor of record, Connections: Philosophy of Art, Department of Art, Aalto University of Arts, Design and Architecture. Helsinki, Finland.

2012-13 Graduate Thesis Advisor: Printmaking Department, Rhode Island School of Design (RISD).


Instructor of record, Intro Intaglio, Printmaking Department, Rhode Island School of Design.


Instructor of record, History of Art and Visual Culture 1, Art History Dept., RISD.


Teaching Assistant, Contemporary Art and its Discourse, Prof. Daniel Lefcourt/Francesco Spampinato.


Teaching Asst. in Japan, Japan: Papers, Temples, Prints. Prof. Daniel Heyman, Elena Varshavskaya.


Teaching Assistant, Graduate Printmaking, Professor Andrew Raftery, Rhode Island School of Design.


Teaching Assistant, Junior Printmaking Critique, Prof. Brian Shure, Rhode Island School of Design.


Instructor, Mezzotint Workshop, Herron School of Art and Design.


Artist in Residence, Print Blitz Workshop, University of Texas at Arlington.



Employment, Fellowships, Artist Assistantships

2025-27  Post-Doctoral Researcher at University of Helsinki, Department of Geosciences and Georgaphy.

2020-24  PhD researcher in Human Georgaphy in Doctoral Programme in Political, Societal, and Regional Changes.

2017-20  Ph.d Researcher in Philosophy of Aesthetics, Department of Philosophy, History, Culture and Art studies

2013       Gallery Assistant, Miguel Abreu Gallery, 36 Orchard st. New York, NY.

2013       Assistant Editor, Sequence Press, 88 Eldridge Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY

2012-13 Research Assistant: Everyday Aesthetics and World-Making, Ph.d Yuriko Saito (Oxford Press. 2014).



Editor, “Everyday Aesthetics and Artification,” Yuriko Saito, Journal of Contemporary Aesthetics.


Museum Curatorial Fellowship, RISD Museum of Art, Contemporary Art.


Graduate Fellowship, Rhode Island School of Design.


Wood shop Technician. Rhode Island School of Design.


Artist Assistant, David Morrison, Iconic Bracelet No. 2 (Stone and Press Gallery). Edition printer.


Wood shop Technician. Herron School of Art and Design.


Gallery Assistant, Herron School of Art and Design Gallery. (Curatorial/Exhibition Design)


Assistant Printshop Technician. Herron School of Art and Design, Printmaking Department.


Print Assistant, Sue Coe (Galerie St. Etienne New York, NY) Edition Printer.


Print Assistant, Nicole Hand and Jim Bryant (Murray University, KY) Edition Printer.


Print Assistant, Tom Huck (Washington University, Missouri). Edition Printer.


Print Assistant, Professor Josh McManus (Ohio State University at Athens) Edition Printer.


Selected Exhibitions

2021          Conversations; Pixelache BURN____ festival; Helsinki, FI

2015          Gaming the System; Curated project by These Animals, with support by the City of Helsinki, Taidelinja, HKL, Aalto University, and Pixelate; Helsinki, FI.

2015          13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird; Chazan Gallery; Providence, RI.

2014          Who are you, artists?, group show curated by Selina Väliheikki, Node Gallery, Aalto University.

2013          Pressing Relations, Art Connect Gallery, NY, NY. Salon de Eros, Greenpoint Gallery, Brooklyn, NY.

2012          Triangulation, Invitational Exhibition, Co-Prosperity Gallery; Chicago, IL.

Personal Culture, Gelman Gallery; RISD. Providence, RI.

No Dead Artists, 16th Annual National Juried Exhibition, Jonathan Ferrara Gallery; New Orleans

MGC Juried Show, Manhattan Graphics Center; NY, NY.

Color, Brooklyn Waterfront Artist Coalition; Brooklyn, NY.

RISD Graduate Thesis Exhibition, Rhode Island Convention Center, Providence, RI.

“Come here, I need you.” Gelman Gallery; Providence, RI.

Art // Show. Granoff Center for the Arts, Brown University. 2011        RISD Expose, RISD Expose Pop-Up Gallery, Providence, RI.

Printmaking Triennial, Woods-Gerry Gallery; RISD

Board of Trustees Graduate Selection Exhibition, RISD, Chase Center.

On the Threshold of Something Else, Something Other..., Sol Koffler Gallery, Providence, RI.

2010       Graduate Print Show, Sol Koffler Gallery, Providence, RI. 2009                Open, Garant Studios; Oak Harbor, WA.

2008       Directors Choice, Domont Gallery, Indianapolis, IN.

Rest, Performance, Indianapolis, IN.

2007       Strange Fruit, Wheeler Arts Center; Indianapolis, IN. Memories, College of the Sequoias; Visalia, CA. Warning (II), 4 Star Gallery; Indianapolis, IN

2006       Warning, Herron School of Art Sculpture Gallery; Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Hilo Biannual National Invitational Exhibition; University of Hawaii, Hilo

27th Annual Paper in Particular National Exhibition; Columbia College, MO

Body/Body Problem, Southern Graphics Council Conference; University Wisconsin-Madison

Sciencefactacy, Invitational Exhibition, Southern Graphics Council; University Wisconsin-Madison 2005: Pacific Rim International Juried Exhibition; University of Hawaii at Hilo

Plain Brown Wrapper: Public/Private. University of North Dakota at Grand Forks

Contorted Prints II. King Center, University of Colorado at Denver.

Suspension of Logic. Solo Exhibition; IUPUI Solution Center, IN.

2004:     Toys. Primary Colours at Harrison Center; Indianapolis, IN

Herron School of Art Juried Exhibition; Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis. Contorted Prints I. Herron School of Art and Design Special Projects Gallery; Indianapolis, IN A Woman’s Heart. Herron School of Art and Design Gallery; Indianapolis, IN

2003:     Herron School of Art Juried Exhibition; Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis.

Contemporary Print: Amity Art Portfolio, Amnity Art Collection, Woodbridge, CT.

Ex Libris. University of Alaska at Anchorage.

College of the Sequoias Juried Exhibition; Visalia, CA.


Curatorial Projects

“As Mysteries Come and Go, So You Are the Weird Thing,”

Jose Di Gregorio intervention at Third Space. Helsinki, Finland. April, 2015.

“13 ways of looking at a blackbird” Chazan Gallery at Wheeler. Providence, RI. 2015.

Pressing Relations, Art Connects Gallery, Brooklyn, NY. 2013

Color, Brooklyn Waterfront Artist Coalition; Brooklyn, NY. 2012

“Come here, I need you.” Rhode Island School of Design Museum of Art, Chase Center. Jan. 2012.

Footnote Aesthetics, Big Car Gallery, Indianapolis, IN. 2007


  • 611 Filosofia
  • RGS-IBG Annual International Conference

    Vasquez, J. (Puhuja: esitelmän pitäjä), Pyyry, N. (Puhuja: esitelmän pitäjä) & Joronen, M. (Puhuja: esitelmän pitäjä)

    30 elok. 20222 syysk. 2022

    Aktiviteetti: Tapahtumaan osallistumisen ja tapahtuman järjestämisen tyypitKonferensseihin, kursseille ja seminaareihin osallistuminen ja näiden järjestäminen
