Ei valokuvaa Rani-Henrik Andersson

Rani-Henrik Andersson

Pohjois-amerikan tutkimuksen vanhmepi yliopistonlehtori

  • PL 59 (Unioninkatu 38)




Tutkimustuotoksia vuodessa

Henkilökohtainen profiili



September 20, 2023

Name: Rani-Henrik Andersson, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0330-3886



2009, Docent of North American Studies, University of Helsinki, Finland, 2014, Docent of General History, University of Tampere, Finland

7.6.2003, PhD in History, University of Tampere, Finland, 1996, MA in History, University of Tampere, Finland



Associate Professor/Senior University Lecturer in North American Studies (level III,), University of Helsinki, Dept of Cultures

  • PI in Human Migration and Network Analysis: Developing New Research Methods for the Study of Human Migration and Social Change, Project funded by the Kone Foundation
  • Co-PI with , Boyd Cothran, Liz Ellis, Nakia Parker, Josh Reid, & Sam Truett  Indigenous Borderlands
  • PI in Traditional Indigenous Ecological Knowledge, Re-Indigenization and National Parks: Toward a New Framework for Sustainable Co-Governance, Academy of Finland




University of Helsinki, Department of World Cultures

  • September 1, 2017-August 31, 2020, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, Core Fellow
  • January 1, 2017-July 31, 2017, University of Helsinki Research Fellow
  • October 1, 2014–August 31, 2016, Interim, McDonnell Douglas Chair, Professor of American Studies.
  • September 1, 2011-August 31, 2016, Academy Research Fellow, Academy of Finland
  • 2008–2011, Lecturer/Researcher
  • 2005–2008, Academy of Finland Post-Doctoral Research Fellow
  • Indiana University, American Indian Studies Research Institute, Research Associate, 2004–ongoing, Visiting Lecturer, September-October 2011 and 2013
  • University of California, Santa Barbara, Visiting Scholar, September-December 2016 & 2017, 2023
  • University of Hawai’i, Visiting scholar, October-2023-January 2024.




  • 2023 Traditional Indigenous Ecological Knowledge, Re-Indigenization and National Parks: Toward a New Framework for Sustainable Co-Governance, Academy of Finland (720 000€)
  • 2023 Developing Sustainability Teaching, University of Helsinki, HELSUS (6500€)
  • 2022 For Indigenous Borderlands: US National Endowment of the Humanities ($50,000), Princeton University ($20,000), SSHR grant York University ($25,000), Lannan Foundation ($15,000), OVPR grant University of New Mexico ($7,000), Center for Regional Studies ($13,200), and several smaller grants ($36 000), co-PI ), co-PI with Boyd Cothran, Liz Ellis, Nakia Parker, Josh Reid, & Sam Truett  2019-2027.
  • 2022 HELSUS Seed Funding, University of Helsinki (15000€)
  • 2019 Kone Foundation Project Funding, EUR 311 000 (PI)
  • 2018, research grant, Future Funds, University of Helsinki, EUR 20,000 (PI)
  • 2014, research grant, Future Funds, University of Helsinki, EUR 10,000 (PI)
  •  2014, writing grant for American Studies Crossroads, Oskar Öflund Foundation, EUR 4,000
  •  2011–2016, research funding, Academy Research Fellow, Academy of Finland, EUR 276,000 + research allowance EUR 100,000 (PI)
  •  2008, research grant, Kone Foundation, EUR 30,000 (PI)
  •  2005–2008, research funding, Postdoctoral Researcher, Academy of Finland, EUR 120,000 (PI)
  •  2004, research grant, Academy of Finland Post-Doctoral Research Grant Abroad, 23,000
  •  2000, Academy of Finland Research Grant, 23, 000
  •  1999, ASLA Fulbright Graduate Grant, 22, 000 USD.


  • 2014-2016 named supervisor for 19 completed MA theses, 2011- named supervisor for 8 Doctoral dissertations (Pasi Kallio, North American Studies 2016, Ilona Swiactzak-Wasilewska 2016, Ongoing: Juho Turpeinen, Area and Cultural Studies, Marika Sandell, Tea Leino Hardy, Area and Cultural Studies, Minna Pajunen, Area and Cultural Studies, Vincent Veerbeek, Area and Cultural Studies, Sonja Salminiitty, Area and Cultural Studies)
  • 2014-2016 in charge of North American Studies program including the doctoral seminar


  • I have taught more than 1,700 hours on the university level, including MA and PhD seminars
  • Subjects: North American studies, area and cultural studies, history, geography, cultural studies, including methodology), anthropology, ethnohistory, Lakota language
  • History teachers pedagogical training 1992; University pedagogy 1-2, 2013 and 2015


  • 2022 Member of organizing committee, “Indigenous Borderlands” University of New Mexico.
  • 2022 Member of organizing committee 19th Maple Leaf and Eagle Conference of North American Studies, University of Helsinki, May.
  • 2022 Organizer, “Early Finnish Settlement on Sugar Island,” online symposium, University of Helsinki and Finlandia University, January.
  • 2020 "No Such Thing As Heritage?" – From Basic Assumptions and Constructs to Reconceptualizations, (Member of Organizing Committee), 20 speakers, 80 audience
  • 2019 Árran - Ecology of Indigenous Languages, (Member of Organizing committee), 20 speskers, 70 audience
  • 2018, “Bridging Cultural Concepts of Nature: A Transnational Symposium on Indigenous Places and Protected Spaces of Nature,” Helsinki Collegium for Advanced studies (Conference Director), 18 speakers, 120 audience
  • 2016, 16th Maple Leaf and Eagle Conference for North American Studies, “Whose North America? Identity, Agency and Belonging” (Conference Director, Chairman of the organizing committee), 100 speakers, 200 audience
  • 2015, “New Research Frontiers - Digital Humanities, Big Data, and Social Network Analysis” (Chair of organizing committee and chair of sessions), 15 speakers, 50 audience



  • 2023 Charles Redd Center for Western Studies, BYU, John Topham and Susan Redd Butler Off-Campus Faculty Research Award
  • 2022 Faculty of Arts/Department of Cultures, University of Helsinki Teaching Award.
  • 2020, US National Finlandia Foundation Award for HUMANA-Project
  • Magister Bonus award for excellence in teaching (University of Helsinki Student Union
  • Edwina S. Campbell Citizens of a Wider Commonwealth Fellowship, Buffalo Bill Center of the West, Cody, Wyoming
  • 2009, “Outstanding Academic Title of 2009” for The Lakota Ghost Dance of 1890, Choice Magazine and the American Library Association Award.
  • 2007, Canadian Studies Faculty Enrichment Award, Canada Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.


  • “Indigenous Traditional Knowledge and National Parks”, University of Santa Cruz, Zoom presentation, April 21, 2022
  • “Sugar Island: A Finnish Settler Colonial Project” Nordic Colonial Archives of Indigenous North America -symposium, Invited talk, 2022. 
  • “Bridging Cultural Concepts of Nature: Indigenous People and Protected Spaces of Nature,”

Finnish Institute for International Affairs, invited talk, 2021.

  • “Indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Protected Spaces of Nature,” Buffalo Bill Center of the West, Cody, Wyoming, invited talk, 2017.
  • Plenary: “We the Tribe of Indians are living a sacred Life: From the Ghost Dance to NODAPL”, Nordic association of American Studies, May 2017, Odense, Denmark.
  • “Studying Native North America: From Sacred Places to Public Spaces”, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2017.
  • “300 years of American Studies in Finland”, University of California, Davis, 2017.
  • “Lakota Worldviews and Borderlands,” Workshop, Oxford University, England, March 2017.
  • Plenary: “Big Data, Social Network Analysis and Computer Modeling: Three Case Studies”, Workshop at the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities, Stockholm, Sweden, January 2016.
  • Keynote: “From Delaware to Sugar Island: Finnish Immigration to North America”, Sugar Island Historical Society, Sugar Island Michigan, October 2015.
  • Keynote: “Native Americans and North American Studies.” John Morton Center for North American Studies, University of Turku, April 2014.


  • Consultant and advisor for “End of the Line: Women of Standing Rock” -documentary, produced by Red Queen Media, Hollywood, CA and Solar Films Helsinki, nominated or the EMMY-award in 2022.
  • 2018, Member of the reviewing committee of tenure for full Professor position at the University of California, Santa Barbara, for Associate Professor Inés Talamantez.
  • 2017 – 2018 ICAA board member, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki
  • 2013 – 2017 Vice Chair for the Docent Committee, Faculty of Arts, University of Helsinki
  • 2015-2023, Peer Reviewer for the Great Plains Quarterly, Journal of the Anthropology of North America, University of Nebraska Press, University of Oklahoma Press, Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, Gaudeamus, Environmental History.
  • 2017, Member of the Advisory Board of Oskari Tokoin tieteelliskriittinen lähde-editio, part of the official celebration of Finland’s 100 years of independence.
  • 2016, Custos, Public Defense of Pasi Kallio’s Doctoral Dissertation, University of Helsinki.
  • 2015, Opponent, Public Defense of Ingela Sjögren’s Doctoral Dissertation, University of Stockholm, Sweden.
  • 2014, Custos, Public Defense of Iwona Swiatcack-Wasilewska’s Doctoral Dissertation, UH.
  • 2013-2016, Vice Chair for the Docent Committee, Faculty of Arts, University of Helsinki.
  • 2012–2013, Chair, Teaching Evaluation Committee, Department of World Cultures, UH.
  • 2012 – 2013 Chair, Teaching Evaluation Committee, Dept of World Cultures, University of Helsinki
  • 2008 Panel member, Official Report on the American Indian Studies Research Institute for the Vice Provost of Indiana University, USA
  • 2008, Official Report on the American Indian Studies Research Institute for the Vice Provost of Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.


  • 2021-2022 Finnish Migration Institute Board member, 2018-2023
  • President, The Finnish American Studies Association (FASA)
  • 2018, Board member of the Nordic American Studies Association (NAAS), 2018
  • Board member of the American Studies in Scandinavia – journal
  • 2018, Co-editor, special edition of American Studies in Scandinavia (“Whose North America?”)
  • Member: Native American and Indigenous Studies Association (NAISA); The Western History Association (WHA); American Studies Association (ASA); European American Studies Association (EAAS); The Finnish American Studies Association (FASA); Nordic Association for Canadian Studies (NACS); Nordic Ethnographic Society; Finnish Association for Native American Studies






  1. Scientific Articles (refereed)


Andersson & Janne Lahti, “Finns and the Settler Colonial Worlds of North America” in Finnish Settler Colonialism in North America: Rethinking Finnish Experiences in Transimperial Spaces, Helsinki University Press, 2022. 

Andersson & Rainer Smedman, “Socialist Visions of American Dreams: The Finnish Settler Lives of Oskari Tokoi and Frank Aaltonen” in Finnish Settler Colonialism in North America: Rethinking Finnish Experiences in Transimperial Spaces. Helsinki University Press, 2022.

Andersson, Boyd Cothran & Saara Kekki. “Traditional Indigenous Knowledge and Nature Protection: Collaboration and Changing Paradigms.” In Andersson, Boyd Cothran & Saara Kekki (eds.). Bridging Cultural Concepts of Nature: Indigenous Places and Protected Spaces of Nature, Helsinki: Helsinki University Press, 2021.

“Sugar Island Finns: Introducing Historical Network Analysis to Study an American Immigrant Community,” Rani-Henrik Andersson, Francis Flavin & Saara Kekki, American Studies in Scandinavia, 52:1 (2020): 3-40.

Re-Indigenizing National Parks: Toward a Theoretical Model of Re-Indigenization,” Dutkansaervi -Journal of Sami Studies, Vol 3, No 2, 2019: 65-83.

“In Search for Wakȟáƞ”, State of the Field/Review Essay, The Great Plains Quarterly, Vol. 38, no 2, 2018: 227-235.

“Pyhällä tavalla olen saanut heidät kävelemään: Parantamisen traditiot lakotakulttuurissa” (“Shamanistic traditions in Lakota Culture”) with David Posthumus in Kiistellyt tiet terveyteen: Parantamisen monimuotoisuus globaalihistoriassa (Global Traditions and Practices of Healing), ed. Markku Hokkanen & Kalle Kananoja, SKS, 2017: 14 pages.

“Lakota - The People of the Plains” in A Companion to the American West – series (Volume: A Companion to George Armstrong Custer) Wylie & Blackwell Publishing, November 2015: 27 pages.

“Divergent Lakota Voices of the Ghost Dance,” Plains Anthropologist 2 (October 2017): 29 pages.

“Lakota - The People of the Plains” in A Companion to the American West – series (Volume: A Companion to George Armstrong Custer) Wylie & Blackwell Publishing, November 2015: 27 pages.

“Yhdysvaltain perustuslaki, federalismi ja irokeesiliitto” (“US Constitution, Federalism and the League of the Iroquois”) Niin & Näin Magazine (January 2015): 23 pages.

“Revitalization Movements in North America and Christianity” in Encyclopedia of Bible Studies and its Reception, Degruyter, 2015: 7 pages.

Andersson & Saara Kekki. “’Jotta kansamme saisi elää’: Intiaanikulttuurien murros 1900-2000-luvuilla” (“’So that Our People May Live’: Transformation of Native American Cultures in the 20th and 21st Centuries”), in Alkuperäiskansat tämän päivän maailmassa (Aboriginal Peoples of the World), ed. Pirjo Virtanen et. al. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2013: 85-114.

“Historiaa, antropologiaa vai etnohistoriaa” in Tekstien Rajoilla: Kirjoitetut tekstit tutkimusaineistona (Historical Documents as Source Material), ed. Kirsi Laurén & Pauliina Latvala & Sami Lakomäki. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2011: 54-74.

“Hanblecheyapi- The Lakota Vision Quest” in Collection of the Proceedings of the 7th Tartu Conference of North American Studies. University of Tartu, Estonian Journal of English Studies, Fall 2010: 7-14.

“Perspectives into the Lakota Ghost Dance of 1890” in Reconfigurations of Native North America, ed. John Wunder & Kurt Kinbacher. University of Texas Tech Press, 2009: 140-151.

“Wanagi Wachipi kin – Vuoden 1890 henkitanssi lakotojen perinteiden jatkajana”, in  Pohjois-Amerikan intiaaniuskonnot – kirjoituksia perinteistä, muutoksesta ja jatkuvuudesta (“The Lakota Ghost Dance and the Traditional Lakota System of Belief” in North American Indian religions: Tradition, Change and Continuity in American Indian Religious Thought), ed. Riku Hämäläinen, 204-231. Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2004: 204-232.


  1. Refereed articles forthcoming:


Andersson, Logan Sutton & Thierry Veyrie, “Shifting Paradigms in Northern Plains Ethnohistories” in Great Plains Ethnohistories: Interdisciplinary Approaches,  (University of Nebraska Press 2024, under contract).

  “Indigenous Agency and Protected Spaces of Nature: Three Case Studies of Collaboration in North America.” In Native Peoples and National Parks: Dispossession, Persistent Connections, and Strategic Collaboration, edited by Christina Gish Hill, Matthew Hill, and Brooke Neely. University of Oklahoma Press, 2024 (under contract).

“Under the Tree that never Bloomed” Black Elk’s Visions: An Ethnohistorical Analysis”, in Great Plains Ethnohistories. Interdisciplinary Approaches. ed. Rani-Henrik Andersson, Logan Sutton & Thierry Veyrie (University of Nebraska Press, 2024, Under contract)


B. Scientific Articles (not refereed but based on research)


“Disciplinary Crossroads: The Finnish American Studies Approach” in American Studies Crossroads: An Anthology of Finnish Perspectives, ed. Andersson Rani-Henrik & Saara Kekki. Renvall-instituutin julkaisuja 2014: 13-30.

“When the Spirits Arrived: Lakota Voices of the 1890 Ghost Dance” in American Studies Crossroads: An Anthology of Finnish Perspectives, ed. Andersson Rani-Henrik & Saara Kekki. Renvall-instituutin julkaisuja 2014: 197-222.

“Pohjois-Amerikka ja Kansallispuistot” (“North America and National Parks”) with Markku Henriksson and Mikko Saikku, in Pohjois-Amerikan kansallispuistot (North American National Parks), Rani-Henrik Andersson, Markku Henriksson & Mikko Saikku. Tampere: Mediapinta, 2014: 9-15.

“Suurten vesien äärellä – Rannikoiden ja järvien kansallispuistot” (“Coastal and Great Lakes National Parks”) in Pohjois-Amerikan kansallispuistot (North American National Parks), Rani-Henrik Andersson, Markku Henriksson & Mikko Saikku. Tampere: Mediapinta, 2014: 77-88.

“Ruohoaavikolla – Suurten tasankojen kansallispuistot” (“Great Plains National Parks”) in Pohjois-Amerikan kansallispuistot (North American National Parks), Rani-Henrik Andersson, Markku Henriksson & Mikko Saikku. Tampere: Mediapinta, 2014: 125-144.

“Maailman selkäranka – Kalliovuorten kansallispuistot” (“National Parks on Rocky Mountains”) in Pohjois-Amerikan kansallispuistot (North American National Parks), Rani-Henrik Andersson, Markku Henriksson & Mikko Saikku. Tampere: Mediapinta, 2014: 145-167.

“Yltäkylläisyyden maa – Kalifornian kansallispuistot” (“Californian National Parks”) in Pohjois-Amerikan kansallispuistot (North American National Parks), Rani-Henrik Andersson, Markku Henriksson & Mikko Saikku. Tampere: Mediapinta, 2014: 194-206.

“Ecotopia – Luoteisrannikon kansallispuistot” (“Ecotopia- Northwest Coast National Parks”) in Pohjois-Amerikan kansallispuistot (North American National Parks), Rani-Henrik Andersson, Markku Henriksson & Mikko Saikku. Tampere: Mediapinta, 2014: 207-220.

“Elämää intiaanisotien jälkeen” (“After the Indian Wars”) with Saara Kekki, Historia-lehti, 2013: 8 pages.

“Alkuperäisiä amerikkalaisia ja kansallispuistoja – Luonnosuojelua, turismia vai pyhiä paikkoja” (Native Americans and National Parks – Conservation, tourism or  Sacred Places”), KAJO - The Finnish Magazine for American Indian Studies, KAJO 2/ 2011: 27.

“AIM-Amerikan Intiaaniliikkeen neljä vuosikymmentä” (“The American Indian Movement”), with Markku Henriksson. KAJO - The Finnish Magazine for American Indian Studies, 1/2010: 22-27.

“Lakotat - Istuvan Härän kansa” (“The Lakota, People of Sitting Bull”) in Sitting Bull and His World, Museum exhibition book, ed. Rani-Henrik Andersson & Riku Hämäläinen, Tampere: Vapriikki Museum, 2009: 22-27.

“Naisten ja lasten elämää lakotayhteisössä” (“Women and Children in Lakota Society”) in Sitting Bull and His World, Museum exhibition book, ed. Rani-Henrik Andersson & Riku Hämäläinen, Tampere: Vapriikki Museum, 2009:34-37.

“Lakotat Istuvan Härän jälkeen” (“Lakotas in the 20th Century”) in Sitting Bull and His World, Museum exhibition book, ed. Rani-Henrik Andersson & Riku Hämäläinen, Tampere: Vapriikki Museum, 2009: 116-123.

“Suuret sioux-sodat” in Istuva Härkä ja hänen maailmansa, (“The Great Sioux Wars” in Sitting Bull and His World, Museum exhibition book, ed. Rani-Henrik Andersson & Riku Hämäläinen, Tampere: Vapriikki Museum, 2009: 46-52.

 “Luoteisrannikon intiaanikulttuurit” (“Northwest Coast Indian Cultures), KAJO-The Finnish Magazine for American Indian Studies, 2/2008: 8-13.

“Sukupuoliroolit lakotayhteisössä” (“Male and Female Roles in Lakota Society”), KAJO - The Finnish Magazine for American Indian Studies, 2/2007: 12-17.

“Buffalo Corparation - Yritys pelastaa perinteiset arvot ja menetelmät” (“The Buffalo Corporation - an Attempt to save Traditional Values”), KAJO - The Finnish Magazine for American Indian Studies, 1/2007: 30.

“Hullu Hevonen – Mies ja myytti”, (“Crazy Horse – The Man and the Myth”), KAJO - The Finnish Magazine for American Indian Studies, 1/2006: 14-20.

“Biisoni lakotaintiaanien uskonnossa” (“The Buffalo in Lakota Religion”), KAJO - The Finnish Magazine for American Indian Studies, 1/2004: 24-27.

“Intiaanien nimien kirjoittamisesta – saivartelua vai vakavaa pohdittavaa” (“Writing Indian Names – Comments on the Use of Lakota Indian Names in Finnish Research Literature”), KAJO - The Finnish Magazine for American Indian Studies, 2/2001: 21-24.


  1. Scientific Monographs and edited volumes


Andersson & Janne Lahti (eds.). Finnish Settler Colonialism in North America: Rethinking Finnish Experiences in Transimperial Spaces. Helsinki University Press, 2022

Andersson & David C. Posthumus, Lakȟóta: An Indigenous History. University of Oklahoma Press, 2022.

Andersson, Boyd Cothran & Saara Kekki (eds.). Bridging Cultural Concepts of Nature: Indigenous Places and Protected Spaces of Nature, Helsinki: Helsinki University Press, 2021.

A Whirlwind Passed through Our Country: Lakota Voices of the Ghost Dance. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2018. 

Andersson, Saara Kekki, Janne Salminen, Juho Turpeinen (eds.). Whose North America? Agency, Identity and Belonging. Articles of the 16th Maple Leaf and Eagle Conference on North American Studies Special issue of American Studies in Scandinavia, No 1. Nordic Association for American Studies, University of Southern Demark Press 2018.

Andersson & Saara Kekki (eds.) American Studies Crossroads: An Anthology of Finnish Perspectives. University of Helsinki Press, 2014.

Andersson, Markku Henriksson & Mikko Saikku. Pohjois-Amerikan kansallispuistot (North American National Parks). Tampere: Mediapinta, 2014.

Andersson, Riku Hämäläinen & Saara Kekki. Intiaanikulttuurien käsikirja: Pohjois-Amerikan alkuperäiskansojen historian, kulttuurien ja politiikan sanastoa. (Native American Cultures – A Researcher’s Handbook). Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 2013.

Andersson & Markku Henriksson. Intiaanit – Pohjois Amerikan alkuperäiskansojen historia (Native American Cultures of North America). Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 2010.

Lakotat – Kotkan ja biisonin kansa (The Lakota – The People of the Buffalo). Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, 2009.

Andersson & Riku Hämäläinen (eds.). Istuva Härkä ja hänen maailmansa (Sitting Bull and His World). Special issue of KAJO. Tampere: Vapriikki, 2009. 

The Lakota Ghost Dance of 1890. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2008.


  1. Monographs and edited volumes forthcoming:

Andersson, Logan Sutton & Thierry Veyrie (eds.), Great Plains Ethnohistories. Interdisciplinary Approaches. University of Nebraska Press, 2023, Under contract.

Andersson, Boyd Cothran, Liz Ellis, Nakia Parker, Josh Reid, & Sam Truett  (eds.), Indigenous Borderlands in the American West. University of New Mexico Press 2023, Under Contract.

Andersson, Boyd Cothran, Liz Ellis, Nakia Parker, Josh Reid, & Sam Truett  (eds.). Global Indigenous Borderlands. University of Washington Press, 2024, Under Contract.


D. Articles in Professional Publications

“Foreword” to the reprint of Royal B. Hassrick, The Sioux (University of Oklahoma Press 2018).

“Jälkisanat” in Musta Hirvi Puhuu (Afterword for Black Elk Speaks), Basam Books 2014.

Paul L. Hedren. “After Custer: Loss and Transformation of Sioux Country.” In Great Plains Quarterly, Fall 2012. Book review.

Thomas Powers. “The Killing of Crazy Horse.” In South Dakota History, Fall 2012. Book review.

Thomas W. Foley. “At Standing Rock and Wounded Knee: The Journals and Papers of Father M. Craft, 1888-1890.” In South Dakota History, Spring 2011. Book review.

Thomas C. Maroukis. “Peyotism and the Yankton Sioux. The Life and Times of Sam Necklace.” In The Ethnohistory Magazine, Spring 2006. Book review.

Blanca Tovías. “Colonialism on the Prairies: Blackfoot Settlement and Cultural Transformation, 1870-1920.” In Journal of American History, Fall 2012. Book review.


E. Publications for the General Public

Regionalism, US Elections and North American Studies.” WiderScreen, special issue edited by Benita Heiskanen et al., 2022

“Kansallispuistot-Yhdysvaltain paras idea?” SAM Magazine 5/2022.

“Yellowstone 150 vuotta.” SAM Magazine, 6/2021

“Alkuperäiskansat, perinteinen tieto ja ympäristönsuojelu” (”Indigenous People, Traditional Knowledge, and Nature Protection”), SAM Magazine, 10/2021.

”El Pueblo Lakota: ‘Con esta pipa sagrada caminaréis sobre la Tierra.’” Desperta Ferro, Fall 2020, 32-37.

“Perustajaisät ja irokeesiliitto” (“The Founding Fathers and the League of the Iroquois”, Suomi-USA Magazine, 2015.

“US elections,” article in Keskipohjanmaa Newspaper, 2012.

“US elections,” article in Pietarsaaren Sanomat Newspaper, 2012.

“Yhdysvaltain kansallispuistot ja muut suojelualueet” (“US National Parks and Historic Landmarks”). Rani-Henrik Andersson & Saara Kekki. Suomi-USA magazine, February 2011.

“Yellowstone, Grand Teton ja Yosemite - Ensimmäiset kansallispuistot” (“Yellowstone, Grand Teton and Yosemite - The First National Parks”). Suomi-USA magazine, May 2011.

“Intiaanien monikulttuurinen Amerikka” (“Multicultural Native North America”). Rani-Henrik Andersson & Saara Kekki. Suomi-USA magazine, February 2010.

“Kierros intiaanimailla” (“A Tour in the Indian Country”). Rani-Henrik Andersson & Saara Kekki. KAJO - The Finnish Magazine for American Indian Studies, 1/2010: 8-11.

“Lakotankielen opetus lakotareservaateissa 2009” (“Teaching Lakota to Lakota Children Living on the Reservations in 2009”). Suomi-USA magazine, May 2010.

“Kaikuja intiaanimaasta” (“Echoes from the Indian Country”). Pietarsaaren Sanomat newspaper, March 2010. 

“Tasankointiaanien sodankäynti” (“Plains Indian Warfare”). KAJO - The Finnish Magazine for American Indian Studies. Translated and edited from “Plains Indian warfare”, Raymond J. DeMallie & Douglas R. Parks, in People of the Buffalo, vol. 1 ed. Colin Taylor & Hugh Dempsey. Wyk auf Foer: Tatanka Press, 2003.

“Intiaanien jäljillä” (“In Indian Country”), Fulbright News, 2001.


G. Theses and Dissertations

“Wanagi Wachipi kin: The Ghost Dance among the Lakota Indians in 1890 – a Multidimensional Interpretation.” PhD Dissertation. Tampere: University of Tampere Press, 2003.

“Henkitanssi: Lupaus paremmasta tulevaisuudesta” (Ghost Dance: Promise of a Better Future). Master’s Thesis. University of Tampere, 1996.



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