Henkilökohtainen profiili

Tutkimuksen ja opetuksen kuvaus

I am a philosopher working in the fields of feminist philosophy, political philosophy, queer and trans theory, ecofeminist theory as well as critical animal studies.

My latest publications include: "Ecofeminist Critique of the Milk Industry: from Mammal Mothers to Biocapitalist Bovines" (Brill, 2024) and "Gender Skepticism, Trans Livability, and Feminist Critique" in Signs (2022).

I currently work as a postdoctoral scholar in Gender Studies, in the Department of Cultures, University of Helsinki. I am the leader of the research project Animal Trouble: A New Ecofeminist Critique of Speciesism. I also work as a co-editor-in-chief of Finnish gender studies journal Sukupuolentutimus-Genusforskning (2024-2025).

I received a PhD in 2017 with a dissertation titled From Violence to Resistance: Judith Butler's Critique of Norms. You can find the abstract in E-thesis.

In the years 2016–2017 I worked as a visiting graduate research scholar in Comparative Literature at New York University, USA. In 2016 I was also a fellow in Prof. Judith Butler's Master Class at The Institute for Critical Social Inquiry (ICSI), The New School for Social Research, NYC, USA.

My expertise and research interests include:

  • Political Philosophy
  • Feminist theory & philosophy
  • Queer and trans theory
  • Critical and feminist animal studies
  • Ecofeminist theory
  • Theorizations of violence and nonviolence

I supervise both MA theses and PhD dissertations within these fields.

Koulutus / tieteellinen pätevyys

Certificate: Feminist University Pedagogy 10 ECT

Myöntöpäivä: 28 toukok. 2015


  • 611 Filosofia
  • Feminist Philosophy
  • Critical Theory
  • Poststructuralism
  • Gender Studies
  • Judith Butler
  • Queer Theory
  • Gender
  • Ecofeminist Theory
  • Critical Animal Studies
  • Ethics
  • Political Philosophy
  • Trans* Theory
  • Intersectionality
  • 6160 Muut humanistiset tieteet

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