Henkilökohtainen profiili

Tutkimuksen ja opetuksen kuvaus

Anti-Racism LabMy research interests include post/decolonial feminism, critical race and whiteness studies, politics of belonging, political activism, welfare state, and the intersections of nationalism, racism and class. I recently finished the Academy Research Fellow project Postethnic Activism in the Neoliberal Era: Translocal Studies on Political Subjectivities, Alliance-Building and Social Imaginaries, funded by the Academy of Finland (2014-2019). I also lead the research projects Intersectional Border Struggles and Disobedient Knowledge in Activism (2018-2022), funded by the Academy of Finland, and Border Crises in Two Languages - Mediatized Politics and Solidarity Activism in the Wake of the 2015 Asylum Migration (2019-2022), funded by the Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland. I am PI and Workpackage leader in the Nordic research project Social Exclusion, Polarization and Security in the Nordic Welfare State (SEPOS, 2021-2023, Nordforsk). My recent project's also include The Stopped - Spaces, Meanings and Practices of Ethnic Profiling, funded by the Kone foundation (2015-2019).
Previously I have investigated the politics of gender, nation and race in debates on immigration and multiculturalism, with a special focus on right-wing populist rhetoric. My post doctoral research project analysed the construction of national belonging and unbelonging in Danish and Finnish public debates on gendered violence in migrant/minority families.
I lead The Centre for Research on Ethnic Relations and Nationalism (CEREN) at the Swedish School of Social Science, University of Helsinki.
I am on the Editorial Board of the scienfic journals Current Sociology, and Tidskrift för Genusvetenskap.


I actively participate in Nordic and European research networks. I am a member of the international research network Anti-Racism Lab (2020-2027), led by prof. Shirley Anne Tate at the University of Alberta, Canada. I was the leader of the Nordic research network Multiculturalism, Cultural Homogeneity and Societal Security (NOS-HS, 2016-2018), as well as the Finnish partner in the research networks Decolonial Critique, Knowledge Production and Social Change (NOS-HS, 2018-2019) and The Power of Narratives: Democracy and Media in Political Turmoil (NOS-HS, 2018-2019). I am a member of the Management Committee of EU COST Action Police Stops -network (2018-2023) and of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet funded research network Post-Truth Politics, Nationalism and the (De)Legitimation of European Integration (2019-2023).  

I have also been the Finnish coordinator in the Nordic research network The Futures of Feminism in the Nordic Region (NOS-HS, NIKK, 2016-2017) and Research Network on Nordic Populism (Nordforsk, 2011-2015).



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