Henkilökohtainen profiili


I am an ethicists and environmental philosopher with broad interdisciplinary interests. I am especially curious about cultural and conceptual conditions of sustainability transformation, sustainability ethics, moral psychology, normativity, and metaethics, as well as philosophical anthropology, philosophy of cognitive science and social ontology. I have written much about relational agency and ontology. 

I am an author of Relational Agency and Environmental Ethics. A Journey beyond Humanism as We Know It (Lexington Books 2023)

Ongoing research projects:

- Relational Sustainability Ethics (2024-2027) funded by Kone Foundation and the Finnish Cultural Foundation at the University of Helsinki (Faculty of Theology and HELSUS) and the University of Antwerp (Faculty of Philosophy, the Centre of Ethics).

- Role of an Individual in Transformation of Biodiversity Politics (2023-2027) at Tampere University. 

Previous experience:

- In my previous project (2022-2023) I studied the implications of  enactivism for the notion of autonomy and environmental responsibility.

- In my doctoral thesis Ecologically Relational Moral Agency. Conceptual Shifts in Environmental Ethics and Their Philosophical Implications (University of Helsinki 2020) I analyzed the role of philosophical anthropology and concepions of moral agency for the prospecs of ethics to deal with complex environmental issues, and lauched a relational approach to agency and metaethics.

- I have acted, for instance, as a University Lecturer of Ethics (substitute position) for five years, istructor in professional further training for the Church personnel for ten years, and as a researcher in a strategic project at Sitra, besides academic research positions. 

Koulutus / tieteellinen pätevyys

Teologian tohtori, Ecologically Relational Moral Agency. Conceptual Shifts in Environmental Ethics and Their Philosophical Implications, Helsingin yliopisto

Myöntöpäivä: 7 huhtik. 2020

Asemat yliopiston ulkopuolella

Tutkijatohtori, University of Antwerp

1 maalisk. 202431 elok. 2025

Tutkijatohtori, Tampere University

1 syysk. 2023 → …


  • 611 Filosofia
  • Ethics
  • Environmental Philosophy
  • Agency
  • Metaethics
  • Philosophical Anthropology
  • Enactivism
  • Posthumanism
  • Philosophy of mind and cognitive science
  • 614 Teologia
  • Ethics
  • Social and Moral Philosophy
  • Environmental Theology
  • Philosophy of Religion

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