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Tutkimustuotoksia vuodessa

Henkilökohtainen profiili


Personal details

Last, first name

Le Joncour, Vadim



Place of birth:

Rouen, France

Year of birth:






Current affiliation:  University of Helsinki, Helsinki Institute for Life Sciences (HiLIFE), Neuroscience Center and iCAN Flagship Digital Precision Cancer Medicine, Haartmaninkatu 8, 00290 Helsinki, Finland.


2023                      Title of Docent, Cancer Biology. Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki

2015                       Doctor of Philosophy, Implication of the urotensinergic system in neo-angiogenesis and invasion mechanisms of high-grade glioma, Faculty of Science, University of Rouen, France

2010                      Master of Science, Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience and Neuroendocrinology, Faculty of Science, University of Rouen, France

2008                      Bachelor of Science, Life sciences – Animal Physiology, Neuroscience and Neuropsychology, Faculty of Science, University of Rouen, France

Current positions

2023 – 2028         University Researcher Neuroplasticity and Neurotrophic Factors lab (Research Director: Eero Castrén, M.D., Ph.D.).

Junior Team Leader Neo[plastic] Brain Team. HiLIFE, Neuroscience Center, University of Helsinki, Finland

2024 – 2026         Co-Principal Investigator iCAN-Plasticity: Neuroplasticity in clinical cancer. University of Helsinki, Finland.

Research output

2011 – 2024         Total number of peer reviewed publications: 27; conference proceedings: 11.

H-index: 16 (Web of Science) 16 (Google Scholar)

                                Number of times cited: 600 (Web of Science) 783 (Google Scholar)

2021 – 2024         Invention disclosure: UH ID No. 1121/2021 ‘Navigator: Peptide-based delivery of diagnostic tools and therapeutics to brain metastases’.

Research to Business (TUTL) 1051/31/2022. Navigator - novel tool for early brain metastases diagnostics. Helsingin Yliopisto.

Patent Pending on Navigator.

Previous work experience

2022 – 2023         iCAN Flagship Digital Precision Cancer Medicine, iCAN-Brain: Deciphering the Dialogue between Astrocytes and Brain Tumors. Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki, Finland

2019 – 2022         Academy of Finland Post-doctoral Fellow The Mechanistic and Transcriptomic Signature of Brain Tumor Invasion. CAN-PRO, University of Helsinki, Finland.

2015 – 2019          Post-doctoral researcher. Research of novel molecular and cellular targets for glioblastoma and brain metastasis treatment. Tumor Progression and Metastasis Lab (Lab. Head: Pirjo Laakkonen, Ph.D.), Research Programs Unit, Translational Cancer Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki, Finland

2013 – 2014          University lecturer & research assistant. Inserm U982/ANiVas lab. (Dir.: Hélène Castel, Ph.D.) University of Rouen, France

09.2010 – 06.14   Doctoral researcher, Inserm U982/ANiVas lab. (Dir.: Hélène Castel, Ph.D.) University of Rouen, France

Research funding and grants

Obtained as principal investigator

2025– 2028          Research Grant from the Finnish Cancer Society (EUR 181332) for Modulators of neuronal plasticity for brain tumor cells reprogramming

2024                      Research Grant from the Finnish Cancer Society (EUR 50000) for Modulators of neuronal plasticity for brain tumor cells reprogramming

2023                      Research Grant from the Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation (EUR 5000) for Neurodevelopmental features of the Neoplastic brain

2022                      Research Grant from the Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation (EUR 5000) for Mapping invasive glioblastoma cells reprogramming into neuron-like cells

Maupertuis Programme (EUR 1200) collaborative grant for the scientific cooperation between the Seano (Institut Curie, FR) and Le Joncour (Helsinki University, FIN) Labs

2021                      Research Grant from the Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation (EUR 8000) for Revealing the invasive brain tumor cell identity

Personal grant from K. Albin Johansson stiftelse (EUR 5000) for Mapping brain tumor cells’ reprogramming and invasion

2020                      Research Grant from the Magnus Ehrnrooth foundation (EUR 5000) for Cationic amphiphilic molecules to treat invasive brain tumors

2019 – 2022         Academy of Finland Postdoc fellowship Investigating the transcriptomic and mechanistic signature of invasive gliomas, University of Helsinki, Finland (EUR 290,000)

2019                      Personal grant from K. Albin Johansson stiftelse (EUR 5000) for Investigating the transcriptomic and mechanistic signature of invasive gliomas

Awards and honors and academic merits

2022                       Best presentation price at the Scandinavian Society of Neuro-Oncology (200+ participants). Helsinki, Finland https://bit.ly/3LYTm8i

Invited talks          Université de Nantes, France (06.2021), Cardiff University, UK (03.2022), 10x Genomics, Helsinki (05.2022), Institut Curie, Paris (06.2022) https://bit.ly/3cy8j5r, Normandie Universités, France (06.2022), HiLIFE, Neuroscience Center (04.2023), Lundbeck Foundation (02.2024).

2020 & 2022        Organizer of the 1st & 3rd FiBTRA Virtual seminar (27.10.2022) https://bit.ly/3CFhtY2

2021 –  2022         Senior evaluator for the EuroTechPostdoc2 2021 & 2022 calls, Marie Skłodowska-Curie fellowship programme

2019                       Award at the Finnish Brain Tumor Research Association (FiBTRA) (80+ participants). Helsinki, Finland.

2015 & 2019        Co-organizer of the FiBTRA annual meetings (Helsinki, Finland, 80+ participants)

2016 –                   Review of 30+ research and 3 review articles

2015 –                   Board, Finnish Brain Tumor Research Association http://fibtra.org/fibtra_board.html



Education and Degrees

2010 – 2015     Doctor of Philosophy, (Ph.D. University of Rouen), Dissertation title: Implication of the urotensinergic system in neo-angiogenesis and invasion mechanisms of high-grade glioma

                        Faculty of Science, University of Rouen, France

                        Supervisors: Professor Pierrick Gandolfo & Dr. Hélène Castel

2008 – 2010    Master of Science, Cellular and Molecular Neurosciences - Neuroendocrinology, Faculty of Science, University of Rouen, France  

2004 – 2008     Bachelor of Science, Life sciences – Animal Physiology, Faculty of Science, University of Rouen, France

Tutkimuksen ja opetuksen kuvaus

Students Supervision

Currently         Co-supervising Ph.D. student (P. Filppu, M.Sc.), at Translational Cancer Medicine Program, University of Helsinki, Finland

2017 –  2019   Local co-supervisor of the Ph.D. student A. Martins (M.Sc. from Exiris, Italy), as a part of her secondment in the Marie Curie program. Faculty of Medicine, Helsinki, Finland

2015 –  2019    Supervising PhD student (A. Ayo & J. Tanjore Ramanathan, M.Sc.), M.Sc. theses (M. Chevallot), and Undergraduate students (M. Hellén, K. Sarkkinen & A. Yilmazlar) at Tumor Progression and Metastasis Lab, Translational Cancer Medicine Program, University of Helsinki, Finland

2011 – 2014      Supervised M.Sc. theses (B. Poret & G. Lambert), Undergrad project students (A. Corla, D. Mussel) at the Inserm U982 DC2N, University of Rouen, France


Teaching Experience

Currently         Lecturer and co-organizer of the TMED-103 Cancer from Biology to Research TRANSMED Master Program. University of Helsinki, Finland

2013 – 2014    University Lecturer at the Faculty of Sciences including lectures (53h), practical courses (68h) and workshops (80h) on animal physiology, cell biology, histology and neurosciences for undergraduates and biostatistics for Master students. Rouen, France

Organization of Scientific Meetings

2019                Co-organizer, 5th Finnish Brain Tumor Research Association symposium (Helsinki, Finland, 60 participants).

2016                Co-organizer, 2nd Finnish Brain Tumor Research Association symposium (Helsinki, Finland, 80 participants).

2012                 Co-organizer, 15th Scientific Meeting of the Normandy Doctoral School (Rouen, France, 200 participants)


11/2019           5th meeting of the Finnish Brain Tumor Research association Helsinki, Finland Best talk award.

06/2019           EMBO Molecular Medicine selected cover Vol. 11 Issue 6. https://www.embopress.org/toc/17574684/2019/11/6

05/2019           Video methods published in JoVE. https://www.jove.com/video/59384/predicting-vivo-payloads-delivery-using-blood-brain-tumor-barrier

05/2012           IRIB scientific meeting, Rouen, France. Best talk award.

08/2012           Presentation at the 19th International Symposium on Regulatory Peptides, Copenhagen, Denmark. DOI:10.1016


Selected collaborations

2019 –             Cell Death and Lysosomes Group, Lund University (Sweden)

                        Dr. S. Aits. Collaboration for the high throughput screening and AI-driven meta-analysis of novel molecules targeting the tumor cell lysosome.

2017 –             Helsinki University Hospital/Translational Cancer Medicine Research Program (Finland)

                        Dr. H. Seppänen. Preclinical therapeutic assessment of a lysosomal damaging agent for invasive pancreatic cancer treatment.

                        Dr. S. Karaman. Development of microfluidic devices, intravitaltools and in silico analytics solutions for the follow-up of diseases such as obesity-driven inflammation and tumor invasion. Published in: DOI 10.3791/59384

                        Dr. M. Barok. Preclinical evaluation of novel antibody-drug conjugates targeting HER2+ chemoresistant breast cancer. Published in: DOI 10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-19-0207

2018 –             Turku Bioscience Centre (Finland)

                        Prof. J. Westermarck. Evaluation of the Blood-Brain-Barrier penetrance of novel PP2A activators for glioblastoma therapy. Published in: DOI 10.1093/braincomms/fcaa002

2015 – 2020     Helsinki University Hospital (HUS, Finland)

Prof. E. Hölttä & Dr. J. Eriksson. In vivo characterization of the role of CTRHC1 in melanoma tumorigenesis (Published in: DOI 10.18632/oncotarget.7604 ). In vivo characterization of P4HA1 implication in melanoma progression (Molecular Oncology, in press).

2013                Laboratory of Informatics, Information and Systems Treatment (Becquerel Centre, France)

Prof. P. Vera & Dr. P. Bohn (EA4108). Validation of a radiolabelled probe for tumor hypoxia. Published in: DOI 10.1016/j.bmcl.2013.05.015

2012                Cellular and Histological Cytopathology services (Rouen Hospital, France)

Prof. A. Laquerrière. Immunostaining techniques and analysis of paraffin-embedded patient tumor tissue. Published in: DOI 10.1038/onc.2014.433

Koulutus / tieteellinen pätevyys

Doctoral Studies, Doctor of Philosophy, Implication of the urotensinergic system in neo-angiogenesis and invasion mechanisms of high-grade glioma, INSERM

1 syysk. 20101 elok. 2014

Myöntöpäivä: 22 tammik. 2015


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