Development and applications of new methods in seismic research

Projekti: Tutkimusprojekti

Projektin yksityiskohdat

Kuvaus (abstrakti)

We develop and apply new methods in wide range to processing of seismic data, to seismic modeling and to interpretation and post processing of the models. Research interests include automatic seismic signal processing, classification of seismic sources and signals, improving location accuracy, combining and comparing different geophysical 3D models and extracting new information from existing models. We have a special interest in applying machine learning methods to problems in seismic research.
Todellinen alku/loppupvm01/01/2010 → …


  • 113 Tietojenkäsittely- ja informaatiotieteet
  • machine learning
  • 3D visualization
  • signal processing
  • 1171 Geotieteet
  • Seismology
  • automatic processing
  • seismic modeling
  • seismic network