Foundations of Pervasive Sensing Systems

Projekti: Suomen Akatemia: Akatemiahanke

Projektin yksityiskohdat

Kuvaus (abstrakti)

The Foundations of Pervasive Sensing Systems projects investigates foundational research challenges that currently limit the uptake of pervasive sensing as a scientific data collection technique. Solutions to these challenges are essential for improving the scale of studies that can be carried out using pervasive sensing, and to provide better guarantees on the quality and representativeness of sensor measurements that are obtained. The project specifically addresses limitations of current research, which include technology-driven deployments that provide limited or no guarantee on sensor data quality and representativeness, limited privacy protection to individuals producing data, and limited scale of collected measurements. The research is funded by the Academy of Finland.
Todellinen alku/loppupvm01/09/202131/08/2025