Projektin yksityiskohdat
Kuvaus (abstrakti)
One of the strongest determinants for prevailing malnutrition among women and children in low and middle-intake countries is the lack of knowledge and understanding of proper nutrition and hygiene. It has been shown that educational videos could be an effective way to change maternal knowledge and behaviour related to infant feeding.
The aim of the project is to develop a set of educational videos in Kenya on maternal and young child health and nutrition. The videos are produced locally in collaboration with local people, researchers and authorities from the Kenyan Ministry of Health. Professor Kimiywe from Kenyatta University has long experience in creation of educational materials, and thus serves as a good starting point and the involvement of the target population. The second aim is to test the effectiveness of the produced videos in changing maternal knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAPs) in Kenya. In addition, the validation of the methodology can be used as a rationale to bring the modern educational tools presented to developing countries in general.
The current status of nutrition knowledge and attitudes among mothers and healthcare workers is studied in Focus Group Discussions (FGDs). Based on these results a set of videos will be developed to answer the specific problems found in the study areas. In addition, the KAPs are studied at population level through interviews with 660 mothers. For these interviews a Kenyan validated semi-structured interview form will be used. A Food Frequency Questionnaire, assessing the foods consumed during the past day, is added to the interviews.
The effectiveness of the videos in improving maternal KAPs on nutrition will be studied through an intervention in both urban and rural areas. The above-mentioned KAP interviews will form the baseline for the intervention. During the 1-year intervention period the videos will be displayed on TV screens in waiting rooms of health centres and taken to rural villages on tablet computers in intervention villages. Mothers in controls villages are exposed to the traditional nutrition education. After the intervention period the KAP interviews conducted at baseline will be repeated.
Exclusive breastfeeding and a constructed complementary food quality index will be used as indicators for video effectiveness.
The project is a joint effort of the University of Helsinki and Kenyatta University.
The aim of the project is to develop a set of educational videos in Kenya on maternal and young child health and nutrition. The videos are produced locally in collaboration with local people, researchers and authorities from the Kenyan Ministry of Health. Professor Kimiywe from Kenyatta University has long experience in creation of educational materials, and thus serves as a good starting point and the involvement of the target population. The second aim is to test the effectiveness of the produced videos in changing maternal knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAPs) in Kenya. In addition, the validation of the methodology can be used as a rationale to bring the modern educational tools presented to developing countries in general.
The current status of nutrition knowledge and attitudes among mothers and healthcare workers is studied in Focus Group Discussions (FGDs). Based on these results a set of videos will be developed to answer the specific problems found in the study areas. In addition, the KAPs are studied at population level through interviews with 660 mothers. For these interviews a Kenyan validated semi-structured interview form will be used. A Food Frequency Questionnaire, assessing the foods consumed during the past day, is added to the interviews.
The effectiveness of the videos in improving maternal KAPs on nutrition will be studied through an intervention in both urban and rural areas. The above-mentioned KAP interviews will form the baseline for the intervention. During the 1-year intervention period the videos will be displayed on TV screens in waiting rooms of health centres and taken to rural villages on tablet computers in intervention villages. Mothers in controls villages are exposed to the traditional nutrition education. After the intervention period the KAP interviews conducted at baseline will be repeated.
Exclusive breastfeeding and a constructed complementary food quality index will be used as indicators for video effectiveness.
The project is a joint effort of the University of Helsinki and Kenyatta University.
Lyhennetty nimi | GloCal |
Tila | Päättynyt |
Todellinen alku/loppupvm | 01/09/2015 → 31/08/2019 |
- 416 Elintarviketieteet
- ravitsemus
- kehitysmaat
- video
- ravitsemuskasvatus