Projektin yksityiskohdat
Kuvaus (abstrakti)
Itämeri kärsii rehevöitymisestä huolimatta siitä, että ulkoista ravinnekuormitusta on vähennetty. Syynä on voimistunut sisäinen ravinnekuormitus, joka on peräisin pohjasedimentistä. Yksi tähän vaikuttava tekijä Itämeren matalilla alueilla on tuulten ja aallokon aiheuttama pohjasedimentin resuspendoituminen eli uudelleensekoittuminen vesipatsaaseen, joka todennäköisesti voimistuu ilmastonmuutoksen edetessä. Tämä tutkimus selvittää sedimentin resuspension merkitystä Itämeren matalien alueiden ravinnekierrolle ja hakee vastauksia seuraaviin kysymyksiin: (1) Mikä on sedimentin resuspension merkitys laadultaan erilaisten matalien alueiden sedimenttien ravinnekierrolle Itämeressä? (2) Miten sedimentin resuspendoituminen vaikuttaa ravinteiden kulkeutumiseen matalien alueiden läpi rannikolta ulapalle? (3) Miten sedimentin resuspendoitumisen vaikutukset muuttuvat ilmastonmuutoksen edetessä?
The Baltic Sea suffers from eutrophication despite the reductions in the external loading. This is due to intensified internal nutrient loading from the bottom sediments. One factor influencing internal loading is wind-induced sediment resuspension (return of the bottom material back to water column), which is likely to increase in the coastal areas due to global warming.
This project studies the effect of sediment resuspension on nutrient cycling in the shallow areas of the Baltic Sea. The study will concentrate on the following questions; (1) What is the role of sediment resuspension in nutrient cycling in the shallow areas of the Baltic Sea that differ in sediment characteristics? (2) What is the role of sediment resuspension in nutrient transport through the coastal zone? (3) How will the effect of sediment resuspension on internal nutrient loading change due to climate change?
The Baltic Sea suffers from eutrophication despite the reductions in the external loading. This is due to intensified internal nutrient loading from the bottom sediments. One factor influencing internal loading is wind-induced sediment resuspension (return of the bottom material back to water column), which is likely to increase in the coastal areas due to global warming.
This project studies the effect of sediment resuspension on nutrient cycling in the shallow areas of the Baltic Sea. The study will concentrate on the following questions; (1) What is the role of sediment resuspension in nutrient cycling in the shallow areas of the Baltic Sea that differ in sediment characteristics? (2) What is the role of sediment resuspension in nutrient transport through the coastal zone? (3) How will the effect of sediment resuspension on internal nutrient loading change due to climate change?
Tila | Päättynyt |
Todellinen alku/loppupvm | 01/09/2012 → 31/12/2015 |
- Unknown funder