Implementation Conditions of Integration Innovations in Health Care: Organizational Volition and the Voice of the Client

Projekti: Tutkimusprojekti

Projektin yksityiskohdat

Kuvaus (abstrakti)

Principal investigator:
Professor Yrjö Engeström

Project manager:
Anu Kajamaa
contact: e-mail: [email protected], phone: +358 504156628

Other researchers:
Jaana Nummijoki
Hanna Toiviainen
Varpu Tissari
Päivikki Lahtinen
Angelique Hilli

Duration of the project: May 1, 2010 to December 31, 2012
Budget: 675 000 €

Insufficient attention has been paid to the implementation, sustainability and further cultivation of service innovations in social and health care. Implementation of potential innovations, created in development projects, often falls by the wayside. This project investigates the conditions of implementing integration innovations in three health care organizations in major cities in Finland.

In the data collection we apply field research methods developed and used in Developmental Work Research. We interview clients/patients and caregivers and observe patients’ trajectories of care in the three research sites under study.

In studying the implementation conditions of integration innovations we ask: (1) How can the client’s voice be heard in the service process? (2) How can the formation of organizational volition be supported in the implementation and diffusion of integration innovations? (3) How can the innovations be further cultivated by means of timely evidence and feedback concerning their consequences, problems and strengths?

The service innovations under investigation have been created at Surgical Unit of Oulu University Hospital, Home Care Services of City of Helsinki Health Centre, and City of Espoo Health Centre’s care for patients with chronic illnesses. The innovations are in their implementation phase. Surgical Unit of Oulu University Hospital has created a new activity model to integrate care pathways in a client-centered way. City of Helsinki Health Centre, Home Care Services have created a service palette and a mobility agreement to support and improve elderly people’s agency in everyday life. City of Espoo Health Centre has created a new model for care for patients with chronic illnesses.

All the innovations under our examination aim at integration of fragmented services and strengthening of the client’s voice. The success of the implementation efforts depends on the development of collective will of the organization at different levels; from the frontline workers to upper management. The three research sites will have an opportunity to learn from one another in the project.

The project is funded by Tekes – the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation. The project is part of the “Innovations in Social and Healthcare Services”Tekes – program, which is focused on social and healthcare system innovations.
Todellinen alku/loppupvm01/04/201031/12/2012