Low-mass star formation in different environments - Research with high-precision radio telescopes from APEX to ALMA

  • Harju, Jorma (Projektinjohtaja)
  • Miettinen, Oskari (Osallistuja)
  • Sipilä, Olli (Osallistuja)
  • Kontinen, Samu-Pekka Samuel (Osallistuja)
  • Lehtinen, Kimmo (Osallistuja)
  • Liljeström, Anne (Osallistuja)

Projekti: Tutkimusprojekti

Projektin yksityiskohdat

Kuvaus (abstrakti)

The research group investigates low-mass star formation on three different levels of the process: 1) fragmentation of molecular clouds into dense cores, 2) structure and evolution of dense cores, and 3) early protostellar phases in the nuclei of dense cores. The targets of the study are selected from three nearby molecular clouds representing different types of environment for star formation. The problems addressed in this study are: 1) the origin of stellar IMF, 2) the formation of low-mass stars in massive star-forming complexes, and 3) the loss of angular momentum and the mechanism of outflows in protostellar systems.
Todellinen alku/loppupvm01/01/200731/12/2009


  • Unknown funder: 226 200,00 €


  • 115 Avaruustieteet ja tähtitiede