MOMENTS (Models and Methods for Future Knowledge Construction: Interdisciplinary Implementations with Mobile Technologies)

  • Tella, Seppo (Muu)
  • Vahtivuori-Hänninen, Sanna (Projektinjohtaja)
  • Tissari, Varpu (Projektinjohtaja)

Projekti: Tutkimusprojekti

Projektin yksityiskohdat

Kuvaus (abstrakti)

The aim of the MOMENTS consortium was to model the future education needs and methods, with a special emphasis on network-based education (NBE), and mobile technologies. MOMENTS was
* to draw from an interdisciplinary perspective (e.g., technological, educational, and societal) and research traditions in order to gain thorough comprehension regarding future challenges of learning and knowledge construction;
• to design and assess a new integrated model that is based on an analysis of existing methods and models as well as future learning needs. This model is planned to combine a number of teaching and learning theories, understanding of the culture, society, and modern technologies in a novel way. Special focus was paid to the cultural changes vis-à-vis the use of mobile technologies and mobile communication
• to find and test technological solutions, which lead to a new integrated model based on future teaching, studying and learning needs. Implementing the model was directly related to experimenting certain mobile technologies in the framework of lifelong learning.
During the research project the model was applied and evaluated in selected case studies with company partners, aiming at novel applications in the field. The consortium represented several fields of science and education, providing a wide knowledge base for the research task of the consortium. The research foci of the partners included the use of mobile technologies (Tampere University of Technology), learning in the light of the historico-cultural perspective and digital culture (University of Turku), pedagogical applications, models of network-based education, and de¬signing and assessing technologically-mediated environments (Universities of Helsinki and Lapland).
The research was carried out through jointly-conducted work packages, in which each partner had a shared responsibility but also some research areas of their own. The research methods consisted of both quantitative and qualitative data gathering techniques, including questionnaires, interviews, content analysis as well as theoretical and computer-assisted modelling. The case studies, geared towards mobile technologies and communication, were conducted in different learning institutions and work places. The ultimate objective was a new integrated metamodel that could be utilised in designing future curricula and implementing formal and informal training, both in schools and in work places.
Todellinen alku/loppupvm01/01/200231/12/2006


  • 516 Kasvatustieteet
  • mediakasvatus
  • NBE (Network-Based Education)

    Tella, S. (Muu), Vahtivuori-Hänninen, S. (Projektinjohtaja), Oksanen, U. K. (Projektinjohtaja) & Tissari, V. (Projektinjohtaja)


    Projekti: Tutkimusprojekti