Natural dyes and materials as cultural heritage and new innovations

Projekti: Tutkimusprojekti

Projektin yksityiskohdat

Kuvaus (abstrakti)

This research project focuses on natural dyes and materials, their history and potential in the modern applications. The research interests are in the following aspects

- History of dyes and materials in the Finnish textiles
- New innovations of natural dyes and their dyeing and printing techniques
- Sustainable textile materials and natural dyed products
- Integration of school subjects in context of natural materials and colorants

Research of natural materials and colorants is important not only for the knowledge of our past but also for the maintenance of the living craft culture and utilizing its characteristics in entrepreneurship. Research is needed to ensure the high quality of the products and to develop sustainable and environmental friendly processes for natural dyes and textiles. We are also interested in developing projects and curricula, which integrate different school subjects and which approach learning from a problem solving point of view, the aim being to enhance student’s understanding of complete processes. One of the objectives is to offer schools ideas how to put integration of different subjects into practise. Natural materials and colorants can be approached from wide range of viewpoints and issues of sustainable development are easily connected to the theme.

Supervised PhD thesis of natural dyes and materials:
Vajanto, K. 2016. Dyes and Dyeing Methods in Late Iron Age Finland. Archaeology. University of Helsinki.

Suomela, J. Runkokuitujen tunnistusmenetelmien soveltaminen kulttuurihistoriallisten tekstiilien materiaalitutkimukseen. In process.

Supervised Master's thesis about the topic of natural dyes at the University of Helsinki:
Mussaari, E. 2003; Virtanen, R. 2005; Hiltunen, S. 2005; Ruusunen, J. 2007; Asunmaa, T. 2008; Hynninen, S. 2010 (University of Eastern Finland); Loukojärvi, L-K 2010; Heikkinen, S. 2010; Rämö, J. 2012; Kairenius, E. 2013; Sahlakari, M. 2013; Kylmälahti, L. 2013; Rytioja, M. 2015; Temmes, O. 2017; Nikunen, S. 2018; Bernoulli, A-L 2018; Vyyryläinen, N. 2018; Fager, S. in process; Ylänen, J. in process
Todellinen alku/loppupvm01/08/2002 → …


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