Participation of Women in Russian and Finnish Public Administration

Projekti: Tutkimusprojekti

Projektin yksityiskohdat

Kuvaus (abstrakti)

The problem of achieving gender equality in public administration is one of the priorities of political development in many countries. Modern political history and the theoretical foundations of crucial “female” transformations in modern politics are of great scientific interest, which goes far beyond the framework of a single state. There is an objective need to study the previously unclaimed leadership potential of women, as well as to identify internal and external factors affecting women's participation in political life and shaping them as an active participant in decision-making. The project looks at career strategies and trajectories of young women in public organizations, state and municipal agencies and bodies as a special type of organizations that develop and implement state and municipal policy of Russia and Finland. It includes conducting series of autobiographical narrative in-depth interviews with women and men public servants in Russia and Finland to explore gender (in)equalities and glass ceiling in public administration and civil service in both countries and find a possibilities to use best practices to advance women's careers. As a result, two peer-reviewed articles are planned to be produced for publications. The projects is tied with the CoE project on advancing women in politics in Russia, where Dr. Muravyeva serves as an expert.
Todellinen alku/loppupvm14/02/202031/12/2021