Research-based and Future-Oriented Curriculum Review and Develpoment for Teacher Education in Kenya

  • Karppinen, Seija (Osallistuja)
  • Dimba, Magdalene (Osallistuja)
  • Kitawi, Alfred (Osallistuja)
  • Riechi, Andrew (Osallistuja)
  • Wanjala, Genevieve (Osallistuja)
  • Karjalainen, Joni (Osallistuja)
  • Kaskinen, Juha (Osallistuja)
  • Niemi, Reetta (Osallistuja)

Projekti: Tutkimusprojekti

Projektin yksityiskohdat

Kuvaus (abstrakti)

REFORD Project refers to research-based and future-oriented curriculum review and development for teacher Education at the University of Nairobi and Strathmore University so that students will acquire skills needed in 21st century life and the labor market. The curriculum will align with Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) launched in 2017 in Kenya for basic education. The current focus is on rolling out CBC in higher education institutions and teacher education. The research conducted under the project will specifically strengthen the designing of curriculum, improve the quality of delivery of teacher preparation programs and thus, strengthen the preparedness of the universities to implement the CBC. The future horizon is changing constantly. Education in the Global South must meet aspirations of sustainability. To expedite the achievement of SDG 4, educational structures need to provide relevant competences, models, and a future-oriented mindset that sustains our 21st century lives.

Keskeiset tulokset

Curruculum Review and Development in two Kenyan Faculties, School of Humanities and Social Sciences in Strathmore University and Faculty of Education in University of Nairobi
Lyhennetty nimiREFORD
Todellinen alku/loppupvm01/11/202230/11/2024


  • 516 Kasvatustieteet