STEROX- Plant steryl esters as food components: significance of oxidation reactions

Projekti: Tutkimusprojekti

Projektin yksityiskohdat

Kuvaus (abstrakti)

We study oxidation behaviour of steryl fatty acid esters using research approaches, which are able to explain differences in reactions of free sterols and their esters. Polymerization reactions of sterols at high temperatures are also investigated. We collaborate especially with the University of Vienna to study properties of sterol oxides. The project is funded in the years 2007-2010 by the Academy of Finland.


KEMMO S, OLLILAINEN V, LAMPI A-M, PIIRONEN V. 2007. Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry for plant sterol oxide determination in complex mixtures. European Food Research and Technology 226(6):1325-1334.

KOSCHUTNIG K, HEIKKINEN S, KEMMO S, LAMPI A-M, PIIRONEN V, WAGNER K-H. 2009. Cytotoxic and apoptotic effects of single and mixed oxides of ß-sitosterol on HepG2-cells. Toxicology in Vitro 23:755-762.

KOSCHUTNIG K, KEMMO S, LAMPI A-M, PIIRONEN V, FRITZ-TON C, WAGNER K-H. 2010. Separation and Isolation of ß-sitosterol oxides and their non-mutagenic potential in the Salmonella microsome assay. Food Chemistry 118:133-140.

LAMPI A-M, KEMMO S, MÄKELÄ A, HEIKKINEN S, PIIRONEN V. 2009. Distribution of monomeric, dimeric and polymeric products of stigmasterol during thermo-oxidation. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 111(10):1027-1034.

MENÉNDEZ-CARREÑO M, ANSORENA D, ASTIASARÁN I, PIIRONEN V, LAMPI A-M. 2010. Determination of non-polar and mid-polar monomeric oxidation products of stigmasterol during thermo-oxidation. Food Chemistry 122(1):277-284.

STRUIJS K, LAMPI A-M, OLLILAINEN V, PIIRONEN V. 2010. Dimer formation during the thermo-oxidation of stigmasterol. European Food Research and Technology 231(6):853-863.

LEHTONEN M, KEMMO S, LAMPI A-M, PIIRONEN V. 2011. Effects of esterification on the formation and decomposition of steryl hydroperoxides. European Food Research and Technology 232(2):255-264.

LEHTONEN M, LAMPI A-M, OLLILAINEN V, STRUIJS K, PIIRONEN V. 2011. The role of acyl moiety in the formation and reactions of steryl ester hydroperoxides. European Food Research and Technology 233(1):51-61.

LEHTONEN M, LAMPI A-M, AGALGA F, STRUIJS K, PIIRONEN V. 2012. The effects of acyl moiety and temperature in the polymerization of sterols. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology (In press)


KAMAL-ELDIN A, LAMPI A-M. 2008. Oxidation of Cholesterol and Phytosterols. In: Lipid Oxidation Pathways, Vol 2. Kamal-Eldin A, Min D B (eds), AOCS Press, Urbana, IL. p. 111-126.


KEMMO S, OLLILAINEN V, LAMPI A-M, PIIRONEN V. Analysis of plant sterol oxides by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. 5th Euro Fed Lipid Congress 16-19.9.2007, Gothenburg, Sweden.
LAMPI A-M, SOUPAS L, HUIKKO L, PIIRONEN V. Stability of Plant Sterols in Foods. 5th Euro Fed Lipid Congress 16-19.9.2007, Gothenburg, Sweden.
KOSCHUTNIG K, KEMMO S, LAMPI A-M, PIIRONEN V, WAGNER K-H. Cytotoxic effects and oxidative stress towards HepG2-cells induced by isolated β–sitosterol oxidation products, 24th GUM-meeting, 17-20.2.2008, Vienna, Austria.
KEMMO S, OLLILAINEN V, LAMPI A-M, PIIRONEN V. HPLC Analysis of Plant Sterol Oxidation Products 99 th AOCS Annual Meeting 18.-21.5.2008, Seattle, WA, USA.
KAMAL-ELDIN A, LAMPI A-M. The Mechanism of Sterol Oxidation. 99 th AOCS Annual Meeting 18.-21.5.2008, Seattle, WA, USA.
LAMPI A-M, PIIRONEN V. Plant Sterol and Cholesterol Oxides in Foods. 99 th AOCS Annual Meeting 18.-21.5.2008, Seattle, WA, USA.
RAMADAN MF, KEMMO S, LAMPI A-M, PIIRONEN V. Thermo-oxidation of β-Sitosterol and Campesterol in Vegetable Oils. 100 th AOCS Annual Meeting, 3.-6.5.2009, Orlando, FL, USA.
LEHTONEN M, LAMPI AM, PIIRONEN V. Formation of Hydroperoxides in Steryl Fatty Acid Ester. 7th Euro Fed Lipid Congress 18.-21.10.2009, Graz, Austria.
RAMADAN MF, KEMMO S, LAMPI A-M, PIIRONEN V. Oxidation of β-sitosterol and Campesterol in Vegetable Oils Upon Heating. 101 st AOCS Annual Meeting, 16.-19.5.2010, Phoenix, AZ, USA.
RAMADAN MF, KEMMO S, LAMPI A-M, PIIRONEN V. Phytosterols Oxidation in Vegetable Oils Upon Thermal Processing. 8th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, 21.-24.11. 2010, Münich, Germany.
RAMADAN MF, LAMPI A-M, PIIRONEN V. Phytosterols Oxidation in Vegetable Oils upon Thermal Processing. 9th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, 18.-21.9. 2011, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.


KOSCHUTNIG K, KEMMO S, LAMPI A-M, PIIRONEN V, WAGNER K-H. Safety assessment of plant sterol oxidation products, COST 927 Workshop, 3.-5.5. 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria.
KOSCHUTNIG K, KEMMO S, LAMPI A-M, PIIRONEN V, WAGNER K-H. No mutagenic potential of 7- keto- sitosterol and 7β- OH- sitosterol in the Ames test, 5th Euro Fed Lipid Congress 16-19.9. 2007, Gothenburg, Sweden.
LEHTONEN M, KEMMO S, LAMPI A-M, PIIRONEN V. Determination of sterol ester hydroperoxides by HPLC-ELSD. 5th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, 16.-19.9.2007, Gothengurg, Sweden.
KOSCHUTNIG K, KEMMO S, LAMPI A-M, PIIRONEN V, WAGNER K-H. β–sitosterol oxidation products failed to show mutagenic potential in the Ames test, 13th Scientific Symposium of the Austrian Pharmacological Society (APHAR), Joint Meeting with the Austrian Society of Toxicology (ASTOX), 22.–24.11.2007, Vienna, Austria.
KOSCHUTNIG K, KEMMO S, LAMPI A-M, PIIRONEN V, WAGNER K-H. Toxicological effects of oxyphytosterols on HepG2 – cells, 1st Meeting of the Vienna Research Platform of Nutrition and Food Science, 25.4.2008, Vienna, Austria.
KOSCHUTNIG K, KEMMO S, LAMPI A-M, PIIRONEN V, WAGNER K-H. Toxikologische Wirkung von Phytosteroloxidationsprodukten auf HepG2-Zellen, Lebensmittelchemikertage 2008, 28-30.5.2008, Eisenstadt, Austria.
KEMMO S, LAMPI A-M, PIIRONEN V. High molecular weight products formed during thermo-oxidation of stigmasterol. 6th Euro Fed Lipid Congress 7.-10.9.2008, Athens, Greece.
KOSCHUTNIG K, KEMMO S, LAMPI A-M, PIIRONEN V, WAGNER K-H. Toxicological effects of Phytosterol Oxidation Products on HepG2 –Cells, 6th Euro Fed Lipid Congress 7.-10.9.2008, Athens, Greece.
LEHTONEN M, KEMMO S, LAMPI A-M, PIIRONEN V. Hydroperoxide formation of steryl ester. Chemical Reactions in Foods VI, 13.–15.5.2009, Prague, Czech Republic.
LEHTONEN M, LAMPI A-M, PIIRONEN V. Effects of esterification on hydroperoxide formation of sterol. 101 st AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo, 16.–19.5.2010, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
LEHTONEN M, LAMPI A-M, RIUTTAMÄKI M-A, PIIRONEN V. Primary oxidation of steryl esters in a lipid matrix. 9th Euro Fed Lipid Congress 18.-21.9.2011, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Todellinen alku/loppupvm01/01/200731/12/2010