Projekteja vuodessa
Projektin yksityiskohdat
Kuvaus (abstrakti)
A multidisciplinary project on the life and texts of lower-class people in 19th-century Finland.
The multidisciplinary project studied grassroots literacy from the perspective of texts written by self-taught people in the 19th-century Finland. Dr. Jyrki Hakapää (Finnish and Nordic History) and Dr. Kati Mikkola (Comparative Religion), and Lic. in Pol. Sc. Kaisa Kauranen (Social History) received funding in the project. Doc. Kirsti Salmi-Niklander (Folklore Studies), Doc. Taru Nordlund (Finnish Language) and Doc. Anna Kuismin (Finnish and Comparative Literature) took actively part as mentors of the project. The project published both scientific articles and texts for larger audience as well as arranged lectures series. In many cases, these were
the first efforts to reveal the research theme and the results to scientific community, students and larger audience. The project also participated in organizing two international workshops, with Prof. Wim Wandenbussche (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) and Prof. Martyn Lyons (The University of New South Wales) as Plenary Speakers.
The multidisciplinary project studied grassroots literacy from the perspective of texts written by self-taught people in the 19th-century Finland. Dr. Jyrki Hakapää (Finnish and Nordic History) and Dr. Kati Mikkola (Comparative Religion), and Lic. in Pol. Sc. Kaisa Kauranen (Social History) received funding in the project. Doc. Kirsti Salmi-Niklander (Folklore Studies), Doc. Taru Nordlund (Finnish Language) and Doc. Anna Kuismin (Finnish and Comparative Literature) took actively part as mentors of the project. The project published both scientific articles and texts for larger audience as well as arranged lectures series. In many cases, these were
the first efforts to reveal the research theme and the results to scientific community, students and larger audience. The project also participated in organizing two international workshops, with Prof. Wim Wandenbussche (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) and Prof. Martyn Lyons (The University of New South Wales) as Plenary Speakers.
Tila | Päättynyt |
Todellinen alku/loppupvm | 01/01/2008 → 31/12/2011 |
- Academy of Finland: 400 000,00 €
- 6122 Kirjallisuuden tutkimus
- 1 Päättynyt
Reading and writing from below: Toward a new social history of literacy in the Nordic sphere during the long nineteenth century
Nordlund, T. (Osallistuja) & Kuismin, A. (Osallistuja)
01/01/2011 → 31/07/2014
Projekti: Tutkimusprojekti
Itseopiskelua ja itseoppineita
Salmi-Niklander, K., 2011, Valistus ja koulunpenkki: kasvatus ja koulutus Suomessa 1860-luvulta 1960-luvulle. Heikkinen, A. & Leino-Kaukiainen, P. (toim.). Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura, s. 461-467 8 Sivumäärä (Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran toimituksia; nro 1266:2)(Suomen kasvatuksen ja koulutuksen historia; nro II).Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli kirjassa/raportissa/konferenssijulkaisussa › Kirjan luku tai artikkeli › Tieteellinen
Book culture from below in focus at the SHARP Conference in Helsinki
Salmi-Niklander, K., 2010, julkaisussa: Lokaratna. 3, s. 158-163 6 SivumääräTutkimustuotos: Artikkelijulkaisu › Artikkeli › Tieteellinen
ITE-buumi ja 1800-luvun itseoppineet kirjoittajat
Kuismin, A., jouluk. 2010, julkaisussa: Kiiltomato.Tutkimustuotos: Artikkelijulkaisu › Artikkeli › Yleistajuinen