The EIT Food School Network: Integrating solutions to improve eating habits and reduce food wastage in preschool and schoolchildren

Projekti: Tutkimusprojekti

Projektin yksityiskohdat

Yleistajuinen kuvaus

This activity aims to develop a network that links EIT food with existing national schools programs in Europe and related stakeholders, ultimately to promote the exchange of ideas and information, ensuring effective translation of findings. The first year activity will develop a portfolio of approaches that could be used within pre-schools and schools to improve eating habits and reduce food wastage, accompanied by network development and establishment of effective communication channels. These activities include: exploring approaches to positively influence food choice using a knowledge co-creation approach, studying the healthy food concept, the nutritional understanding and hedonic perception of school meals and developing and piloting a new innovative tool focusing on children`s health behaviour and stress response regulation.
Lyhennetty nimiEITfood
Todellinen alku/loppupvm01/01/201831/12/2020


  • 416 Elintarviketieteet
  • 3142 Kansanterveystiede, ympäristö ja työterveys
  • ravitsemustiede