Uutta Luova Opettajankoulutus

Projekti: Tutkimusprojekti

Projektin yksityiskohdat

Kuvaus (abstrakti)

Engaging learning environments combine physical spaces, digital and mobile solutions and modern pedagogical theories as well as theories of motivation and interest. In this project, we are developing study modules that help future and present teachers to learn not only how to utilize new learning environments, but also how to build these environments themselves. The objective is to follow the Engaging Learning Model (Lonka, 2012) for creating a hybrid learning environment that will make use of the latest technology and research. The first step is to develop a prototype of a course (5 credits), where students learn to steer phenomenon-based projects and foster the transversal competencies introduced in national Finnish curricula in 2016 (21st Century Competencies).

This project is part of the larger development project Development of the Pedagogical Studies for Teachers. The aim of this project entity is to develop the competence base of teachers, especially as a part of the Subject Teacher Education and the reform of the Master’s programmes at the University of Helsinki.

The project is done in cooperation with the Faculty of Education, subject faculties, training and field schools and cooperation universities. The aim of the project is to develop well-functioning cooperation models for the pedagogical studies for teachers.
Todellinen alku/loppupvm01/01/201831/12/2019


  • 516 Kasvatustieteet
  • 515 Psykologia