Projektin yksityiskohdat

Kuvaus (abstrakti)

The DogRisk research group at the University of Helsinki has validated the scent detection dogs that worked at Helsinki international airport 2020-21. The dogs had a sensitivity and specificity of over 90%. The article has been submitted in early autumn 2021 but is not yet through the peer-review process.

Yleistajuinen kuvaus

The DogRisk research group at at the University of Helsinki tested the scent detection dogs that worked at Helsinki international airport 2020-21. The results show that the dogs were very accurate both in finding the true COVID-19 diseased patients as well as very accurate in not marking people that were not suffering from COVID-19.
Lyhennetty nimiSniffing Covid
Todellinen alku/loppupvm24/09/2020 → …


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