The Viikki Molecular Plant Science Research Community aims to understand how environmental and developmental cues are integrated in plant growth control. The VMPS RC integrates multidisciplinary research in functional genomics, structural biology and bioinformatics with modern plant physiology, genetics and cell biology to fulfil its aims. To provide the best possible training for future experts the VMPS RC incorporates the top groups/PIs in plant sciences from the Viikki campus. The members of the RC have wide ranging international contacts and collaborators with European, US, Japanese, Chinese, Indian and Australian research groups both on a research level and also in the form of doctoral training. The possibility for doctoral candidates to carry out short research visits abroad in foreign labs is highly encouraged. In addition to general skills including leadership and communication doctoral candidates are trained in most modern biological techniques and approaches including the tools of systems biology such as comparative and functional genomics, bioinformatics, proteomics and metabolomics. Strong emphasis is given to training on different approaches that are needed to understand how plants control their growth, development and survival when facing different environmental challenges and how plants can adapt to such environments and yet achieve optimal production for human needs.
Responsible person: Tapio Palva, Faculty of Biological & Environmental Sciences, Department of Biosciences
Participation category: 1