Creating and maintaining play connection in a toddler peer group

Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli kirjassa/raportissa/konferenssijulkaisussaKirjan luku tai artikkeliTieteellinenvertaisarvioitu


This study explores how one and two year old peers (henceforth toddlers) participate in joint play activities in a natural group-care setting. We focus on joint play activity between three toddler peers during one full day-care day in a Finnish toddler classroom. Questions guiding the analysis concern the sequential understanding of how play emerges within peer interaction and how toddler peers are able to build sustained co-participation in their joint play during the day. The analysis showed that joint play was fragmented and organized in short segments of dyadic or triadic interaction. Re-establishments of joint play and accumulation of significant play signals during the day were important practices for toddlers to constitute social organization and sustained co-participation in their multi-party peer play. The results strengthen our understanding of very young children as both more and less competent play companions in their peer groups and guide adults’ practice in relation to peer play in toddler classrooms.
OtsikkoPeer Play and Relationships in Early Childhood : International Research Perspectives
ToimittajatAvis Ridgway, Gloria Quinones, Liang Li
ISBN (painettu)978-3-030-42330-8
ISBN (elektroninen)978-3-030-42331-5
DOI - pysyväislinkit
TilaJulkaistu - 2020
OKM-julkaisutyyppiA3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa


NimiInternational Perspectives on Early Childhood Education and Development
ISSN (painettu)2468-8746


  • 516 Kasvatustieteet

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