Durga Puja Beyond Borders: An Educational Video Game about Global In­dian Fest­ival Cul­tures

Xenia Zeiler, Satyajit Chakraborti

Tutkimustuotos: Ei-tekstimuotoinenAudiovisuaalinen tuotosTieteellinen


Durga Puja Beyond Borders is an educational video game which uses aspects of management games to playfully yet educationally introduce various layers of Durga Puja festival culture, such as joint Durga Puja organizations and especially celebrations. It conveys educational content about the festival’s history and past and present ways of worshiping and jointly celebrating, in India and beyond. Moreover, it allows a glimpse into how festivals are important events and locations for migrant communities to live and negotiate identity, heritage and culture - beyond borders.
Tuotoksen mediainternet
TilaJulkaistu - 2021
OKM-julkaisutyyppiI1 Audiovisuaalinen materiaali


  • 516 Kasvatustieteet
  • 5200 Muut yhteiskuntatieteet

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