Evaluating students' self-assessment in large classes

Julkaisun otsikon käännös: Opiskelijoiden itsearvioinnin laaduntarkastelua suuren kurssin kontekstissa

Jokke Ilja Antero Häsä, Johanna Maria Rämö, Viivi Virtanen

Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli kirjassa/raportissa/konferenssijulkaisussaKonferenssiartikkeliTieteellinenvertaisarvioitu


This study is part of an ongoing larger project concerning student self-assessment skills in university courses. We have developed a method enabling large cohorts of students to assess their own learning outcomes and to give their own course grades with the help of an automatic verification system. This paper explores the question of accuracy, namely, whether the self-assessed grades correspond to the students’ actual skills, and how well the automatic system can pick up issues in the self-assessment. Based on an expert’s evaluation of the skills of two students, we conclude that although for large part the model works as intended, there are some cases where neither the self-assessment nor the computer verification seem to be accurate.
Julkaisun otsikon käännösOpiskelijoiden itsearvioinnin laaduntarkastelua suuren kurssin kontekstissa
OtsikkoProceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education
ToimittajatUffe Jankvist, Marja van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, Michiel Veldhuis
KustantajaFreudenthal Group & Freudenthal Institute, Utrecht University
Julkaisupäivähelmik. 2019
ISBN (painettu)978-90-73346-75-8
TilaJulkaistu - helmik. 2019
OKM-julkaisutyyppiA4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisuussa
TapahtumaCERME 11 - Utrecht, Alankomaat
Kesto: 6 helmik. 2019 → …


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