Identifying Regions-of-Interest and Extracting Gold from PCBs Using MHz HIFU

Tutkimustuotos: Artikkeli kirjassa/raportissa/konferenssijulkaisussaKonferenssiartikkeliTieteellinenvertaisarvioitu


Increased digitalization and technological development raises the demand for rare and precious metals (RPM). Due to their rarity, mining RPMs from the earth is becoming increasingly difficult. Traditional urban mining methods to recover RPMs from printed circuit boards (PCB) need to separate the RPMs from non-metallic substances, e.g. plastic. This separation requires toxic substances and causes unwanted and toxic by-products and emissions. The ability to identify regions-of-interest on PCBs, i.e. the gold pads, and to extract RPMs from only the desired areas would reduce the need for toxic substances. In this study, a single 12 MHz high-intensity focused-ultrasound transducer was used to 1) image a PCB to locate the gold pads, and 2) to subsequently induce inertial cavitation to remove gold from three extraction areas on the selected gold pad. The sonication was performed in water without additional chemicals. Gold removal was verified by imaging the pad with a coded-excitation scanning acoustic microscope (fc = 375 MHz). Average areas and volumes of the three extraction regions were A = (12.2 ± 0.5)·103 μm2 and V = (18 ± 2)·103 μm3, respectively. The total amount of removed gold and nickel (from beneath the gold plating) from all three extraction areas was estimated to mAu,tot = (570 ± 20) ng and mNi,tot = (440 ± 30) ng. This study constitutes a first step towards more environmentally friendly, non-toxic urban mining of RPMs.
Otsikko2022 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS)
Julkaisupäivä1 jouluk. 2022
ISBN (painettu)978-1-6654-7813-7
ISBN (elektroninen)978-1-6654-6657-8
DOI - pysyväislinkit
TilaJulkaistu - 1 jouluk. 2022
OKM-julkaisutyyppiA4 Artikkeli konferenssijulkaisuussa
Tapahtuma2022 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS) - Venice, Italia
Kesto: 10 lokak. 202213 lokak. 2022


ISSN (painettu)1948-5719
ISSN (elektroninen)1948-5727


  • 114 Fysiikka
  • Ultrasonics
  • Cavitation erosion
  • MHz high-intensity focused ultrasound
  • 222 Muu tekniikka
  • Urban mining

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