title = "Maahanmuuttajien ja muiden ulkomaalaisten oikeus toimeentulotukeen Suomessa",
abstract = "The right to social assistance is under strain as a result of the influx of refugees in Europe and the ensuing incorporation of a considerable number of new immigrants. Also economically inactive EU migrants without permanent residence rights have come under scrutiny and limitations of their entitlement to social assistance in certain member states have been endorsed by the Court of Justice of the EU. In Finland no such limitations have been imposed but all people in need living in the country or even merely visiting are entitled to social assistance if they have no means of subsistence. However, there have been some deficiencies in the implementation of this legal provision. Moreover, foreign recipients of social assistance may be expelled because they are not self-supporting. The threat of expulsion infringes the principle of solidarity and undermines the effectiveness of social policy as a device for reducing poverty.",
keywords = "513 Oikeustiede, immigration, social assistance, implementation, maahanmuutto, toimeentulotuki, sosiaalioikeus",
author = "{Van Aerschot}, {Paul Robert}",
year = "2017",
month = may,
day = "12",
language = "suomi",
isbn = "978-952-284-021-9",
series = "Teemakirja",
publisher = "KELA",
number = "16",
pages = "236--260",
editor = "Laura Kalliomaa-Puha and Anna-Kaisa Tuovinen",
booktitle = "Sosiaaliturvan rajoilla",
address = "Suomi",