Novel enzymatic tools for C–C bond formation through the development of new-to-nature biocatalysis

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Biocatalysis represents a key pillar in the modern toolbox of the organic chemist for the selective preparation of complex molecules. The natural reaction portfolio, however, is limited and does only cover a smaller subset of transformations that would be useful in the context of organic synthesis. Over the past two decades, researchers have tried to expand the reaction scope of enzymes in order to make these attractive catalysts more generally applicable and to reach even broader acceptance in the chemical community. This chapter highlights different strategies that can provide protein-based catalysts with new-to-nature reactivities. The approaches to teach enzymes the art of synthetic chemistry include directed evolution, de novo design, visible light photoactivation as well as the introduction of abiotic species through cofactor exchange or artificial metal binding sites.

OtsikkoEnantioselective C-C Bond Forming Reactions : From Metal Complex-, Organo-, and Bio-catalyzed Perspectives
ToimittajatPiet van Leeuwen, Oscar Pàmies, Montserrat Diéguez
KustantajaAcademic Press Inc.
DOI - pysyväislinkit
TilaJulkaistu - 2023
OKM-julkaisutyyppiA3 Kirjan tai muun kokoomateoksen osa


NimiAdvances in Catalysis
ISSN (painettu)0360-0564


  • 116 Kemia

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