Secondary metabolites as chemotaxonomic markers in Salix myrsinifolia and S. starkeana (Salicaceae) twigs extracts

Tutkimustuotos: KonferenssimateriaalitKonferenssiabstraktivertaisarvioitu


Chemotaxonomy is based on the special metabolite profiles in plants and is, together with the morphological
characters, used as a tool in plant taxonomy and species identification (Julkunen- Tiitto, 1986). Salix
starkeana and S. myrsinifolia (Salicaceae) are dioecious shrubs native to the temperate biome. Species
identification within the genus Salix, and especially when it comes to the dormant winter twigs, can be
difficult when based solely on morphological characters. Thus, we subjected twig extracts of S. starkeana
and S. myrsinifolia to UPLC/QTOF-MS analysis, to elucidate the relations between these Salix spp. and to
provide an additional guide to Salix taxonomy and identification.
We found that the S. myrsinifolia twig methanol extract exhibited various resemblances with the S. starkeana
twigs methanol extract. For example, the condensed tannin, procyanidin B1 [M-H]- 577,1348 and its isomers
and the procyanidin monomers, epigallocatechin and catechin, were the main compounds in both species,
although these compounds varied in quantity between the two species. Many compounds, and among them
benzyl-β-primeveroside, caffeoylhexose, an isolariciresinol-pentoside isomer, salicortin, salicin-7-sulfate,
naringenin and acetyl-O-salicortin were present in both species. Previously, salicin-7-sulfate, which is a
novel salicylate in the genus Salix, was found only in Salix caprea (Lackus et al., 2020) and Salix koryanagi
(Noleto-Dias et al., 2018).
However, some metabolites in S. starkeana, such as the unknown compounds at [M-H]-

495,1511, (tR 2,97

min) and at [M-H]-

453,1401 (tR 2,39 min) were found to be specific for S. starkeana but absent from S.
myrsinifolia. Thus, these compounds may be used as chemotaxonomic markers to distinguish S. starkeana
winter twigs.
It is worth to conclude that for pharmaceutical purposes, it is important to distinguish chemotypes with the
most beneficial composition of therapeutic phytochemicals.
Keywords: Salix myrsinifolia, S. starkeana, Chemotaxonomy, UPLC-QTOF/MS, phenolic
TilaJulkaistu - 13 heinäk. 2024
OKM-julkaisutyyppiEi sovellu


  • 317 Farmasia

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