Strengthening sustainable innovation policy with CASI tools: Insights from and for Slovenia

Maja Cergol Lipnik, Aleš Lipnik , Juha Petteri Repo, Kaisa Johanna Matschoss

Tutkimustuotos: Kirja/raporttiTutkimusraportti


Sustainable innovation forms the basis for the new solutions of and opportunities for the future although it has not yet achieved an established programmatic policy position. The CASI project has developed a set of tools, which can strengthen the development of sustainable innovation policy. This set of tools includes a data bank, a citizen engagement methodology, citizen agendas and a framework for sustainable innovation. This policy brief reviews and showcases how these SI tools can be used when strengthening sustainable innovation policy.

In Slovenia, the holistic approach towards public consultation as a way to obtain sustainable innovation was identified as a key policy need. All presented CASI tools prove as useful in preparing public consultations. The citizen engagement methodology is considered applicable for development of unified methodology for organisation of public consultations.
KustantajaPublic Participation in Developing a Common Framework for Assessment and Management of Sustainable Innovation, CASI
TilaJulkaistu - 7 kesäk. 2017
OKM-julkaisutyyppiD4 Julkaistu kehittämis- tai tutkimusraportti taikka -selvitys


  • 517 Valtio-oppi, hallintotiede

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