The Durga Puja Mys­tery: An Edu­ca­tional Video Game

Xenia Zeiler, Satyajit Chakraborti

Tutkimustuotos: Ei-tekstimuotoinenAudiovisuaalinen tuotosTieteellinen


The educational video game Durga Puja Mystery introduces to Indian festival culture, by focusing on the arguably most popular and widespread Hindu festival Durga Puja. Today, Durga Puja is not only widely celebrated in India, but the festival is also a highly important event in the global Indian communities. The game is a third-person 3D adventure game, filled with mystery and using educational tasks, puzzles and riddles. It takes place inside and around a majestic heritage mansion near Kolkata, India – during the time of Durga Puja, of course!
Tuotoksen mediawww
TilaJulkaistu - 2020
OKM-julkaisutyyppiI1 Audiovisuaalinen materiaali


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