Towards sustainability in science education: modelling of systems thinking in the work of chemists in academia and industry

Tutkimustuotos: KonferenssimateriaalitKonferenssiabstraktivertaisarvioitu


This study aimed to explore in what context and situations related to sustainable chemistry systems thinking is used or needed by chemists in their work and research. Five semi-structured deep interviews were conducted with chemists from academia and industry, and the data was analysed using a combination of grounded theory analysis and case study. The main results showed that all interviewees' work and research were contributing to creating solutions and applications for the circular economy. They all used systems thinking in terms of evaluating source materials and considering if the process they were working on was sustainable. The discussion and conclusions emphasized the importance of understanding the sustainability aspects of their work and highlighted that chemists' work and research are essential for sustainable solutions and are connected to larger-scale systems in industry, society, and the global community. The study provides valuable insights for the follow-up study of how systems thinking should be included in chemistry education.
Keywords: Systems Thinking, Sustainable Chemistry, Chemistry Education
TilaJulkaistu - 2023
OKM-julkaisutyyppiEi sovellu
TapahtumaESERA 2023 Conference: Conference of the European Science Education Research Association - Cappadocia, TURKEY, Turkki
Kesto: 28 elok. 20231 syysk. 2023
Konferenssinumero: 15


KonferenssiESERA 2023 Conference
  • ESERA 2023 Conference

    Vuorio, E. S. (Osallistuja)

    28 elok. 20231 syysk. 2023

    Aktiviteetti: Tapahtumaan osallistumisen ja tapahtuman järjestämisen tyypitKonferensseihin, kursseille ja seminaareihin osallistuminen ja näiden järjestäminen


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