Course in Decision Analysis for Environmental Management

  • Haapasaari, P. (Ordförande)
  • Samu Henrik Petteri Mäntyniemi (Talare: Presentation)
  • Lehikoinen, A. M. (Talare: Presentation)
  • Rahikainen, M. K. (Talare: Presentation)
  • Riikka Marianne Venesjärvi (Talare: Presentation)
  • Timo Pauli Karjalainen (Talare: Presentation)

Aktivitet: Typer för deltagande i eller organisering av evenemangArrangemang av och deltagande i konferens/workshop/kurs/seminarium


The course introduced students to decision analysis in environmental management, covering Bayesian approaches and Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA). Different types of decision analytical problems and modelling solutions to them were presented, using several case studies to illustrate the approaches. Participatory and expert-based approaches were addressed. In addition, methods for defining criteria for decision making based on environmental values were examined. The course included both introductory lecturing and hands-on exercises. The course was targeted to young scientists and PhD students.
Period13 feb. 201717 feb. 2017
Typ av evenemangKurs
PlatsHelsinki, FinlandVisa på karta