Together with Boris Sokolov, the senior research fellow at LCSR HSE, in this study Margarita Zavadskaya explores how various socio-demographic attributes, values, attitudes, and personality traits of COVID-19 sceptics differ from those of the rest of the Russian population, finding several interesting contrasts in terms of values, trust, and political attitudes. They use data collected during the first round of the international online panel survey “Values in Crisis” (in short ViC; fieldwork mid-June 2020, N = 1527). They operationalize COVID-scepticism as support for the idea that the Corona pandemic is a hoax and that all the lockdown measures are a hysterical overreaction, indicated by 38% of our respondents. Moreover, being a coronasceptic is a stronger predictor of political trust and political support than all the other pandemic-related variables available in the ViC questionnaire and most socio-demographic characteristics.Period | 31 mars 2021 |
Typ av evenemang | Seminarium |
Relaterat innehåll
Electoral Malpractice, Cyber-security, and Political Consequences in Russia and Beyond
Projekt: Helsingfors Universitetets treåriga forskningsprojekt