NIAS Summer School & Workshop "Religion, the radical right, and how to respond: analyzing for alternatives"

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This intensive, ten-day course begins with a seven-day Summer School for PhD students and postdocs and builds on this groundwork with a three-day workshop involving presentations from prominent researchers in the field. With Jan Willem Duyvendak, Philip Gorski and Timothy Stacey, you will analyse the role of religious ideas, elites, movements, networks and parties in the rise and consolidation of the radical right, and use this as a basis to develop scenarios for a progressive response. We will explore the framing, development, mobilization, diffusion and implementation of reactionary politics around the world today, and compare these with cultural analyses of successful progressive movements. The overall aim is to critically and creatively engage in developing alternative narratives and strategies.
Period14 aug. 202424 aug. 2024
Typ av evenemangSeminarium
PlatsAmsterdam, HollandVisa på karta