Performance of municipalities, politics and management (Kuntien suorituskyky, politiikka ja johtaminen)

Aktivitet: Typer för tal eller presentation!!Invited talk


The invited presentation (in Finnish) at annual Municipal Finance seminar (Feb. 10, 2021) considered results on a) efficiency distribution of municipalities as multi-service providers a) what explains efficiency differences c) role of city managers (CM) and their work environment for efficiency d) do career concerns of city managers enhance efficiency; do well performing CMs get new and better paid CM jobs through the open job market d) some municipalities (mainly big cities) are adopting the mayor system such that the mayor is chosen from the local council, which limits competition by blocking "outsiders" and their career possibilities.
Period10 feb. 2021
EvenemangstitelKuntien rahoitusseminaari (Seminar on Municipal Finance)
Typ av evenemangKonferens
PlatsHelsinki, FinlandVisa på karta