The Prehistoric Bases of Modern Europe

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“The Prehistoric Bases of Modern Europe. ”On the occasion of the Helsinki visit of Professor David Anthony (author of the book “The Horse, The Wheel And Language”), Archaeologists, Geneticists and Linguists present and discuss latest interdisciplinary research results on the epic story of the “When”, “How” and “Under Which Circumstances” Europeans and Finns, European and Finnish culture and their languages were formed before History. Tiedekulma, April 29, 4-7 pm. 3 hours. Intro to the Event – c.5-10mins: Volker Heyd & Janne Saarikivi (Janne Saarikivi – being the (co-)introducer, conferencier and discussant). Volker Heyd, Archaeology – 20-30mins : The social institutions on which Europe is built: Prehistoric origins, background and links. Päivi Onkamo, Genetics – 20-30mins : Recap of recent European human aDNA results – large-scale migrations through millennia. Riho Grünthal, Linguistics – 20-30mins : The rise and fall of languages in prehistoric (Northern) Europe. KeynoteDavid Anthony & Dorcas Brown – 45mins : Indo-European origins through linguistic, archaeological, and ancient DNA perspectives.
Period29 apr. 2019
Typ av evenemangSeminarium
PlatsHelsinki, FinlandVisa på karta