A 100 3-component sensor deployment to monitor the 2018 EGS stimulation in Espoo/Helsinki, southern Finland - Datasets



A seismic network was installed in the Helsinki capital area of Finland to monitor the response to a 6 km deep geothermal stimulation experiment in 2018. The Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki (ISUH), installed these 100 geophones in addition to five surface broadband sensors and a 13-site borehole network deployed by the operating company. The stations operated for 106 days between 7 May and 20 August 2018 (day 127 to 232). The data set consists of raw CUBE-recorder data and converted MSEED data.
Datum som det gjorts tillgängligt2 okt. 2019
FörlagGFZ Data Services
Tidsmässig täckning7 maj 2018 - 20 aug. 2018
Datum för dataproduktion1 jan. 2018 - 31 dec. 2018
Geografisk täckningHelsinki region; center point at Otaniemi Reservoir, Espoo, Finland
Geografisk punkt60.18800, 24.82800Visa på karta

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