Biogenic Aerosols - Effects on Clouds and Climate (C-band radar)




  • 2017

    Secondary Ice Production: Current State of the Science and Recommendations for the Future

    Field, P. R., Lawson, R. P., Brown, P. R. A., Lloyd, G., Westbrook, C., Moisseev, D., Miltenberger, A., Nenes, A., Blyth, A., Choularton, T., Connolly, P., Buehl, J., Crosier, J., Cui, Z., Dearden, C., DeMott, P., Flossmann, A., Heymsfield, A., Huang, Y., Kalesse, H., & 9 andraKanji, Z. A., Korolev, A., Kirchgaessner, A., Lasher-Trapp, S., Leisner, T., McFarquhar, G., Phillips, V., Stith, J. & Sullivan, S., 6 apr. 2017, Ice Formation and Evolution in Clouds and Precipitation: Measurement and Modeling Challenges. Boston, MA: American Meteorological Society, s. 7.1-7.20 20 s. (Meteorological monographs; vol. 58).

    Forskningsoutput: Kapitel i bok/rapport/konferenshandlingKapitelVetenskapligPeer review

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