HELFI::Finnish1938::The FABC 2020.3 Text Edition -- The 2020.3 Text Edition of the 1933/1938 Finnish Bible Translation by the Finnish Analytical Bible Concordance Project



The Finnish Analytica Bible Concordance Project and Anssi Yli-Jyrä from the University of Helsinki have created an digital text edition of the 1933/1938 Finnish Bible Translation (the FABC 2020.3 Text Edition) by synthesising multiple digital versions. The FABC 2020.3 Text Edition is in the public domain. The description of the FABC Text Edition -- a readme file -- is licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike (CC-BY-SA) 4.0 International license. For attribution purposes, credit the Finnish Analytical Bible Concordance Project of Aika[media] and Anssi Yli-Jyrä. Note: The Finnish 1933/1938 Bible Translation (Pyhä Raamattu) is in the public domain. You may copy and distribute the digital form of the Bible in the public domain, but then you must take yourself responsibility of the remaining typing errors. There is no 100% original digital version available, but all versions contain some typos. The current resource is an attempt to fix one of the digital versions.
Datum som det gjorts tillgängligt2020
Tidsmässig täckning1933 - 1938
Datum för dataproduktion1992 - mars 2020

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