
This dataset contains land cover map and reference database of Taita Taveta County, Kenya, for the year 2020. The land cover map was prepared at 20m spatial resolution from Sentinel-1 SAR, Sentinel-2 MSI, and topoclimate data applying machine learning algorithm. The dataset has three sub-folders: 1) land cover map that comprises raster file, QGIS style information in qml format, and class names in txt file; 2) reference database for classification in shapefile format; and 3) reference database for sample-based accuracy assessment in shapefile format.
Datum som det gjorts tillgängligt15 dec. 2021
FörlagMendeley Data
Tidsmässig täckning2020
Datum för dataproduktion15 dec. 2021
Geografisk täckningTaita Taveta County
Geografisk polygon37.56, -2.7, 39.9, -2.7, 39.9, -4.15, 37.56, -4.15

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