FIMM High Throughput Biomedicine Unit (LS-RIA/ DDCB)

Utrustning/facilitet: Central servicefacilitet

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    Tukholmankatu 8

    Biomedicum 2U, D201a






The High Throughput Biodicine Unit provides high-throughput screening approaches of many types: cell-based and biochemical screens using targeted or large chemically diverse libraries, genome wide or targeted RNAi libraries,molecular probe discovery, biological profiling using libraries of known bioactives, drug repositioning, and personalized medicine screening (drug resistance and sensitivity) using approved and investigational drugs.

The core provides expertise in robotics, automation, cell-based and biochemical assay development plus the instrumentation, liquid handling systems, and libraries necessary for screening. Access to the instrumentation – including liquid handling systems, plate readers, and the high content imager/automated microscope – is also available to investigators for non-screening purposes.

The facility is staffed with a team of highly trained scientists with extensive experience in robotic assays and high throughput screening.

Forskningsinfrastrukturens typ

  • !!Service
  • !!Equipment
  • !!Resource


  • 318 Medicinsk bioteknologi
  • 1182 Biokemi, cell- och molekylärbiologi
  • 3111 Biomedicinska vetenskaper

HU forskningsinfrastruktur klassificering

  • Central serviceenhet