HTB Helsinki Term Bank for the Arts and Sciences

Utrustning/facilitet: Database

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    Fabianinkatu 33

    Main building, 4030

    University of Helsinki





The Helsinki Term Bank for the Arts and Sciences (HTB), former Bank of Finnish Terminology in Arts and Sciences (BFT). is a multidisciplinary project which aims to gather a permanent terminological database for all fields of research in Finland. The project has created Semantic MediaWiki platform Tieteen termipankki, which offers a collaborative environment. This means that anyone can freely use it and also participate in the discussion about terms. The terminology will be gathered among expert groups in different fields of research. The working method is niche-sourcing. In the national road map, the project is under the auspices of the Finnish Language Resource Consortium FIN-CLARIN, and this way it is also connected to the European infrastructure ESFRI. The project is implemented in collaboration between the University of Helsinki (UH), the Institute for the Languages of Finland (ILF/Kotus), and the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies (FFLS/TSV). In collaboration with FIN-CLARIN, the HTB is a member of FIN-CLARIAH consortium.


NamnBank of Finnish Terminology in Arts and Sciences

Forskningsinfrastrukturens typ

  • !!Resource


  • 6121 Språkvetenskaper
  • 999 Övriga

ESFRI tematiska områden

  • !!e-Infrastructures

HU forskningsinfrastruktur klassificering

  • Central serviceenhet