Inverted confocal microscope with AiryScan Fast detector for fast super resolution imaging, a high sensitivity GaAsP detector, 2 photon counting detectors and a transmitted light (non-confocal) detector. For high resolution live imaging of cells on slides, wells and chambers. Capable of FLIM, FRAP and FRET imaging. Environmental chamber and scanning stage for multipoint live cell imaging. https://wiki.helsinki.fi/xwiki/bin/vi ew/biu/Biomedicum%20Imaging%20Unit/Instruments/Confocal%20microscopy/#HZeissLSM880
Namn | Zeiss LSM 880 with Airyscan konfokaalimikroskooppi |
Anskaffningsdatum | 11/06/2015 |
Utrustning: Status
- Aktiv