Laboratory of Chronology (LS-RIA/ HUBCRI)

    Utrustning/facilitet: Central servicefacilitet

    • PlatsVisa på karta

      PL 64 (Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2)

      University of Helsinki





    The Laboratory of Chronology is a unique national resource in an extensive operating environment. It provides research knowledge derived from radiocarbon and stable isotope measurements and luminescence dating of both natural and man-made samples. Datings are carried out using internationally peer-reviewed procedures, both as paid services and through research collaboration. The process organisation enables accreditation, and one of the goals for the future is to bring operations to the next level through accreditations, LIMS and infrastructure upgrades, new websites (a unit website and the general 14C portal) and business activities.

    Forskningsinfrastrukturens typ

    • !!Service
    • !!Equipment


    • 119 Övrig naturvetenskap
    • 1171 Geovetenskaper
    • 1172 Miljövetenskap

    HU forskningsinfrastruktur klassificering

    • Central serviceenhet